1.Readthetexttofindoutwhattheauthormeansbythequote“Youarewhatyoueat”.Theauthoractuallymeansthekindsoffoodweeatreflectsomethingaboutourpersonalities,character,andculture.Readingforgist JeanAnthelmeBrillat-Savarin(1755-1826)wasaFrenchlawyerandpoliticianwhowasalsoagreatloveroffood.Hewrotenumerousbooksonmanysubjects...
1. Reading for gist: Read the text & find answers to the following questions as quickly as possible: Why does Amy take the weight-loss pills?___ Does her mom agree with her? ___ What does her mom say?___ Do the weight-loss pills help her to lose weight?___...
How are the events arranged?Please read the passage and answer the questions.What kind of text is it?Its a brief biography of Lin Qiaozhi.story of a persons life written by someone elseRead for gistHow are the events arranged?The events are arranged in t 6、he order of time.Read for ...
Discussthesequestions.1.WhatkindsofparkshaveyoAnationalparkisanareaoflandthatisprotectedbythegovernmentforpeopletovisitbecauseofitsnaturalbeautyandhistoricalorscientificinterest.Pre-readingActivity1: Discussthesequestions.Anationalparkisanareaof1.Wherewouldyoumostlikelyreadthispassage?Inatraveljournal.2.Whatdoyouthink...
NATURAL DISASTERSReading for Writingget the gist of the text and identify the type and language features of the text.Learning objectivesanalyse the sample and summarise the key elements in writing a summarywrite a summary of the passage “THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP’.By the end of this...
2.Fast reading: Read for the gist by reading the topic sentences. T: I give you 3 minutes to read the topic sentence of each paragraph to summarize the main idea and writing style of the passage. S: Skim the text quickly and summarize the main ideas of the passage. Show questions on...
Instructions are clear and easy to follow and you will be provided with examples of any unfamiliar question types. Texts and questions appear on a Question Paper which you can write on but not take away from the test room. You must answers all questions on an Answer Sheet during the 60 mi...
STOP doing that. You're not doing a good enough job of eliminating answer choices.Remember—every single wrong choice can be crossed out for its own reasons. You need to do a 180 on your approach to Reading questions. Instead,find a reason to eliminate three answer choices. "Can I find...
Children aged 5-12 should respond in words and/or pictures to the questions, “Your favourite has jumped out of the book to spend the day with you. Tell us: What happens next”One winner will be chosen for each age group:Ages 5-6:Please submit a drawing no larger than 8.5cm x11cm ...