To practise reading skills by finding certain information and reading for gist; 2. To practise speaking skills by discussing and presenting opinions; 3. To practise communicating skills by cooperating in groups to finish the tasks; 4. To practise writing skills by summing up some ideas for the ...
Step3Reading for the gist 1.Tasks Ss to read the passage quickly to divide the passage, and then asks Ss to share their answers. T: Open your book and turn to page 25, firstly number each paragraph, then read the passage quickly and divide the passage, you need to conclude the contents...
】 Step 2 No Specific Response T plays the tape of the passage without giving any tasks to Ss. T: Close your book. Please allow me to read the passage for you. Just listen and have a preliminary perception of the text. OK? 【设计意图:在学生第一次看到文章的时候不给他们任何任务,有...
In the reading class,students can follow the teacher's guidance to complete the corresponding learning tasks,but the interpretation of the text is not sufficient and profound.It can be difficult to understand some of the deeper questions,so it's necessary to design a chain of questions to guide...
Step4Readforgiststructure Studentsskimthetextandpletethefollowingtasks: Studentsdividethetextintoseveralpartsandsummarizethemainideaofeachpart. Studentsworkouttheframeofthispassage. 观察学生的语篇划分及其段落大意概括情况,评价其概括、获取信息的全面和准确程度,并判断学生文本框架概括是否正确、合理。 思维品质: 能...
Step4Readforgist&structure Students skimthetext andplete thefollowingtasks: Studentsdivide thetextintoseveralpartsandsummarizethemainideaofeachpart. Students workout theframeofthispassage. 观察学生的语篇划分及 其段落大意概括情况,评价其概括、获取信 息的全面和准确程度,并判断学生文 本框架概括是否正确、合理...
1.Studentscanunderstandthegistandthestructureofthepassage 2.Studentsareabletoanalyzeandelaboratethehighlightsofwritingtechniquesinthetextandperceivethecharacteristicsofreportage 3.Studentsareabletoretellthestoryaccordingtothemindmap 5.Studentscanworkingroupstopaintaposteraboutearthquakeprotectioninacertainscene(athome,at...
The so-called cognitive approach to reading developed in the 1980s offered EAP teachers tools with which to equip their students, including inventories of reading strategies such as skimming and scanning, looking for main ideas, identifying topic sentences, reading for gist, guessing meaning from con...
Step3:FirstreadingforthegistStep3:Firstreadingforthegist Stage2:Stage2: TopTop--downdown readingreading Stage2:Stage2: TopTop--downdown readingreading Step4:SecondreadingforgapfillingStep4:SecondreadingforgapfillingStep4:SecondreadingforgapfillingStep4:Secondreadingforgapfilling Step5:Thirdreadingfor...
以下课堂活动中,哪些是while reading/listening tasks() for details B.prediction C.pre-teach vocabulary for gist E.speaking 答案 READ/LISTENFORDETAILSREAD/LISTENFORGIST