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description_lines_count Manually set the number of lines for the description. Specified value will be clamped between 1 and 3. If this parameter is not specified, the number of lines will be automatically adjusted according to the actual length of the description. number null Gist Card Exclusive...
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The idea of writing a book on Leaflet came about pretty much as soon as I first used it. It seemed so easy to use and I went looking for some books to help me through some of the more advanced topics. Since they are fairly scarce on the subject in 2014, I thought it would be a...
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It was also cut short when less than half the scheduled time had elapsed. After a lot of emails, they finally responded that they would allow for a "partial refund, since I had used the program". Come on, this is a program that's non-functional! So the gist is: don't believe ...
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Largely taken from and 19 28 7 11 months ago grails-functional-test Grails Functional Test Plugin 19 10 0 1 year, 4 months ago example-ratpack-standalone-groovy-script An example of a Groovy script Rat...
Extracting the Gist of Chinese Judgments of the Supreme Court. Chaolin Liu, Kuanchun Chen. ICAIL 2019. [pdf] Information Retrieval Analyzing the extraction of relevant legal judgments using paragraph-level and citation information. Raghav K, Reddy P K, Reddy V B. ECAI 2016. [pdf] On the co...