and to have enough of them. For managers, that comes down to making decisions about which product lines to carry, and how to put them together to make a winning product mix. It's like building a successful sports team:
i. Product Mix Length: It refers to the total number of items (in all the product lines) in product mix. For example product mix of Bajaj Company has more than 100 items in various product lines, such as fans, bulbs and tubes, heaters, motorbikes, shooters, rich-show, processing machine...
Nike is a multinational company that sells product lines of sports shoes, sportswear, and sports equipment. These three categories further divided into several sub-product lines based on sports and uses. Product Mix And Product Line Product mixand product line, even though often confused to be th...
Related to product line:product mix,product line pricing n (Marketing)marketinga group of related products marketed by the same company Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 201...
Production:Fillintheblanks Production:TrueorFalseQuestions Product Howcanwedefineproduct?Howcanweclassifyproducts?Whatisproductline?Whatisproductmix?Whatareline-fillingandline-stretching?Definitions Product –Anythingofferedtoamarketforattention,acquisition,use,orconsumptionthatmight...
The product mix of a company, which is generally defined as the total composite of products offered by a particular organization, consists of both product lines and individual products. A product line is a group of products within the product mix that are closely related, either ...
1.Whatistheproduct?2.Productlinedecisionandproductmixdecision3.Productlifecycleandproductstrategy4.Brandstrategy5.Newproductdevelopment Objectives Beabletodefineproductandknow themajorclassificationsofproductsandservices.Understandthedecisionscompaniesmakeregardingtheirindividualproductsandservices,productlines,andproductmixes...
A definition of the term product mix is presented. It refers to the variety of product lines that a company produces, or that a retailer stocks. It is stated that product mix refers to the number of products in the product line, the number of product lines that a company offers, the ...
ProductCharacteristicsBuilding&ManagingtheProductMix&ProductLinesBrandDecisionsPackaging&Labeling ©2000PrenticeHall Consumer-GoodsClassification ConvenienceProductsBuyfrequently&immediately>Lowpriced>Manypurchaselocations>Includes:•Staplegoods•Impulsegoods•Emergencygoods SpecialtyProductsSpecialpurchaseefforts>Unique...