The width, or breadth, of a product mix is a measure of how many different types of products the organization offers. Each type is called a product line, and every line is distinct from the others in terms of its use by customers and what benefits people seek from it. For example, a ...
It refers to the total number of items (in all the product lines) in product mix. For example product mix of Bajaj Company has more than 100 items in various product lines, such as fans, bulbs and tubes, heaters, motorbikes, shooters, rich-show, processing machines, and many other ranges...
A product line is a unique product category or product brand a company offers. It can be considered to be a product group that consists of all the related products that fall into that category. Product mix, on the other hand, is the total number of product lines a company offers to its...
Related to product line:product mix,product line pricing n (Marketing)marketinga group of related products marketed by the same company Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 201...
constitute a product line; and the basic marketing course is a product item. Product decisions at these three levels are generally of two types: those that involve width (variety) and depth (assortment) of the product line and those that involve changes in the product mix occur ...
Production:WordMatchExercise Production:Fillintheblanks Production:TrueorFalseQuestions Product Howcanwedefineproduct?Howcanweclassifyproducts?Whatisproductline?Whatisproductmix?Whatareline-fillingandline-stretching?Definitions Product –Anythingofferedtoamarketforattention,acquisition,use...
1.Whatistheproduct?2.Productlinedecisionandproductmixdecision3.Productlifecycleandproductstrategy4.Brandstrategy5.Newproductdevelopment Objectives Beabletodefineproductandknow themajorclassificationsofproductsandservices.Understandthedecisionscompaniesmakeregardingtheirindividualproductsandservices,productlines,andproductmixes...
It is stated that product mix refers to the number of products in the product line, the number of product lines that a company offers, the different varieties of product in the product line, and the relationship between products in their final destination of product lines. The term is also ...