ProductMix/Assortment isthesetofallproductsanditemsthataparticularsellerofferforsalestobuyers.Productline:abroadgroupofproducts,intendedforessentiallysimilarusesandhavingsimilarphysicalcharacteristics Width(breadth):no.ofproductlinesDepth:no.ofpdtsineachpdtitem Product-MixStrategies PositioningtheProduct 1.Positioning...
The depth of a product mix refers to the number of distinct items in a product line. For example, the fruit-processing firm's line of pie fillings might include apple, cherry and strawberry; it could be deepened further with sugar-free varieties. Adding depth to a line is a common means...
Firms marketing supplies and accessoryequipment emphasize competitive pricing strategies, while other product marketers tend to concentrate on product quality an d customer service Product line and product mix ●Product line: a group of related products that are physically similar or are intended for the...
Product line pricing requires a different look at setting price. With a line of products to price, you need to consider the whole product mix, the product life cycle within the mix, and your product positioning strategy.Often new products will enter and exit a line. How dependent is the ...
PartThree Developingthemarketingmix LectureSeven ProductStrategy Ataglance DefineproductandmajorclassificationsofproductsandservicesUnderstandingindividualproductdecisionsExplainthedecisionsofdevelopingproductlinesandmixesDefinethestepsinthenew-productdevelopmentprocessDescribethestagesoftheproductlifecycle Product Anythingthatcan...
Product mixand product line, even though often confused to be the same, are considerably different. A product line is a unique product category or product brand a company offers. It can be considered to be a product group that consists of all the related products that fall into that category...
The chapter seeks to discuss and describe the concept of product from the marketing perspective, how companies come about new product, product development options, and the various strategies available to a company to manage new and existing products. It
Factors:产品线(ProductLine)、产品项目(ProductItem)1.Theconceptofproductandactualproductdecision ProductMix Thesetofallproductlinesanditemsthataparticularselleroffersforsale.产品组合的宽度(Width)产品组合的深度(Depth)产品组合的长度(Length)产品组合的相关性(Correlation)Thestrategyof...