1.Whatistheproduct?2.Productlinedecisionandproductmixdecision3.Productlifecycleandproductstrategy4.Brandstrategy5.Newproductdevelopment Objectives Beabletodefineproductandknow themajorclassificationsofproductsandservices.Understandthedecisionscompaniesmakeregardingtheirindividualproductsandservices,productlines,andproductmixes...
Product Mix And Product Line Product mixand product line, even though often confused to be the same, are considerably different. A product line is a unique product category or product brand a company offers. It can be considered to be a product group that consists of all the related product...
Those decisions are often expressed as the length of your product line, and the width or breadth of your overall product mix. The length of your product line is measured by how many products it contains, and that will vary with the product. If you manufacture lawn tractors, three base mode...
网络产品组合策略 网络释义 1. 产品组合策略 ...佳 大胆 海岸 吉恩 黎明 独立 倪卫红编制 四、产品组合策略(Product-Mix Decisions) 产品组合策略是指根据企业的经营目标…|基于 1 个网页
3. Modifications (in term of qualities, features, and performance) on existing products 4. Product-related strategies including branding, packaging, labeling, colour, weight, grading, etc. 5. Product line decisions including different varieties or models, and product ...
According to the earlier research related to the product mix decisions, the approach called throughput accounting seems to provide much better results than conventional management accounting. However, all the examples so far have assumed that cycle times in used resources are not dependent on any ...
ProductMix Width-numberofdifferentproductlines Length-totalnumberofitems withinthelines Depth-numberofversionsofeach product ©2000PrenticeHall ProductMixalltheproduct linesoffered Product-LineLength LineStretchingDownmarketUpmarketTwo-way LineFillingLineModernizationLineFeaturing&LinePruning ©2000PrenticeHall What...
decisions at these three levels are generally of two types: those that involve width (variety) and depth (assortment) of the product line and those that involve changes in the product mix occur over time.参考资料: ...
;Width;产品组合策略;Product Mix Decisions; 产品组合的调整[1]; 产品组合调整决策[2];四、 Individual Product 产品决策 (152-159);; 1. 品牌的含义 1.品牌:是一个企业产品的牌子,用以识别一个或一群出售者的产品或劳务,并以之区别于其他竞争者的商业名称及其标志。 2.品牌名称(brand name):是指品牌中...