Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (Structure 4.1) has been conclusively shown to be a natural hormone, ubiquitously present in higher plants. Evidence is gradually accumulating that there are indolic auxins other than IAA naturally occurring in several plants,
mF27. Remaining “solitary” introns lacking significant similarity to other paralogues are labeled “S”. Insertion sites must be considered very carefully and precisely, notably when introns occur differently in a small gene region such as introns cox2i94g2, cox2i97g2, cox2i98g2 and cox2i1...
The primers were labeled with unique barcodes at the 5’ ends to distinguish between samples andsequencing universal primers (Table 1). PCR amplification was carried out in a 25 µL reaction mixture, consisting of 25 ng of template DNA, 12.5 µL PCR Premix, 2.5 µL of each primer,...
It is worth noting that except for the region labeled (with a ω value of > 1) from amino residues 137 to 142 in the comparison of CBF1 and -3, three other regions almost completely overlapped (residue sites 162~172), and therefore actually two regions were under positive selection in ...
Citation102 Currently, in particular, the selection of the vesicles and the biomolecules within the vesicles, the vesicle-generating process, the specific functions, and uptake modes are still unknown due to the fact that there are few specifically labeled proteins for plant-derived extracellular ...
(pghAxcandpghBxc), or polygalacturonase gene fromPhytophthora capsici(pcipg2), significantly reduced microbial pathogenicity5,6,7,8. However, plant cells can sense the alteration of cell wall integrity during biotic stress, and recognize CWDEs as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) ...
Cells in direct contact with the QC—initials—are labeled “1” or “− 1”, for proximal or distal stem cells, respectively. The neighboring daughter cells of initials are labeled “2” or “− 2”, and so forth. Note that we did not observe a distinct cortex/endodermis ...
Briefly, wild-type and mutated PYL1 and PYL10 proteins were labeled in assay buffer (50 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl) using the Protein Labeling Kit RED-NHS (NanoTemper Technologies). ABA in a range of concentrations (0.0001 μM to 4 mM) was incubated with 2 μM of labeled ...
This indicates that leaf cuticular material (epidermis cells) in the chewed-up leaf fragments is also targeted by the fungus, and increasingly so towards the bottom section of the garden. However, these cells seem to be a lower decomposition priority, consistent with microscopic observations by ...
Direct insertion of the pedicel fibrils into abaxial epidermal cells has also been observed, suggesting that cytoplasmic solutes may also enter the whitefly egg through the pedicel [6]. Moderate molecular weight carbohydrate polymer ([14 C]-Inulin) has been shown to be transported into the egg, ...