This protective effect of HxKs against PCD in plant is reminiscent of the role of HxK found in mammalian cells [172] and suggests that VDAC might be the binding site of HxK in plants. Other enzymes could interact with VDAC as well. For instance, glycolytic enzymes are located on the ...
The two isoforms encode proteins differing only in five amino acids, where one protein (LjPCS2-7N) confers cad- mium (Cd) tolerance while the other does not, at least not when ectopically expressed in yeast cells [25]. A nodule specific gene (LjNOD70) shows an IntronR event in Lj, ...
This review includes novel natural products of microbial and plant origin reported to exert plant growth-regulating activities. The well-known “classic” plant hormones are excluded. The substances described with their biological activities are restricted to those that have been isolated from microbial ...
Finally, as membrane compounds are affected by oxidative stress, an analysis of membrane trafficking in root epidermal cells revealed that the Pony genotype had the highest response of the three genotypes. Overall, these findings suggest that salt stress induces complex responses in A. caudatus ...
The resulting high-ploidy cells are generally also much larger in size (Sugimoto-Shirasu & Roberts, 2003). 3. Expansive growth Expansive growth results from two different processes, elastic cell deformation (Fig. 1g) and irreversible cell wall extension (Fig. 1c,d; Lockhart, 1965; Ortega, ...
Sucrose and starch biosynthetic pathway in non-photosynthetic cells. (1) Cell wall invertase (EC, (1′) cytoplasmic invertase (EC, (1″) vacuolar invertase (EC, (2) hexose transporters, (3) sucrose transporters, (4) hexokinase (EC, (5) glucose...
interrogation and investigation of a complex system, along with maintenance of a global perspective is needed to understand the system function is eventually a key challenge to biological intellect. The various levels of biological systems’ organization include cells, molecules, organelles, tissues, ...
one daughter cell on the apical side is maintained as the shoot apical cell and the other is destined to differentiate, and this cell continues dividing. All cells derived from asymmetric cell division of the shoot apical cell are called merophytes. Because each merophyte forms a leaf, the sp...
cells. (2) Transmission and storage functions. Some protein transport and store very important biochemical substances, such as metal ions, oxygen, glucose and esters. (3) The functions of movement and structure maintenance. Some proteins can enhance the strength of organisms or play a protective ...
As a response to caterpillar feeding, poplar releases a complex mixture of volatiles which comprises several classes of compounds. Poplar volatiles have been reported to function as signals in plant-insect interactions and intra- and inter-plant communic