1 Introduction The P vs. NP problem has been called "one of the most important problems in contemporary mathematics and theoretical computer science" [60]. That is an understatement. Not only is P vs. NP the defining question of our field; it's one of the deepest questions ever asked ...
1 Introduction The P vs. NP problem has been called "one of the most important problems in contemporary mathematics and theoretical computer science" [60]. That is an understatement. Not only is P vs. NP the defining question of our field; it's one of the deepest questions ever asked ...
Moreover, the P vs NP problem also has implications for the ontology of mathematics and the nature of reality.If P=NP, it would mean that there is an underlying simplicity to the universe, with problems that seem complex on the surface having efficient, elegant solutions.In contrast, if P!
cysteine residues are marked by vertical lines below the protein precursor posttranslational modification results in the formation of AVP-Np gene, which consists of the three principal functional domains, AVP, Np, and glycoprotein on the three different exons (A–C). The processing amino acid seque...
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This peculiar behavior is explained by two facts: (a) definite/specific descriptions may, and in some instances must, be unflagged when the context of use guarantees the intended referential interpretation of the NP; and (b) lower ranked objects may be flagged only when their referents exhibit...
The true mechanism responsible for drug efflux through P-gp has been explained in different models, according to which drug can directly interact with the transporter, thus being pumped outside of the cell (classical pump model) or with the lipid biomembrane and then can be ...
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I n response t o t h e mixed + +meal t h e r e was a significant i n c r e a s e of plasma G H R H with peak v a l u e s o c c u r r i n g between 60 and 150 min (10.2 1 . 2 pglml vs 25.6 4.5 pg1ml;p ( 0 . 0 1 ) . Plasma GH v a l u e...