Release Notes- See theOculus Unity Integration Release Notesfor new features and changes included in this release. Documentation- See theUnity Getting Started Guidefor information about how to get started developing for Oculus with Unity, or theScripting Referencefor a detailed API reference. P...
官方开发文档: 1.在AssetStore下载Oculus Integration,导入到Unity 旧版本的SDK可以在这里下载 2.确保PC的XR Settings里Oculus SDK是排在第一 3.运行Oculus Example测试正常...
几个准备步骤: 一.添加安卓平台模块和导入OculusIntegration插件通过 UnityHub 给 Unity 安装Android开发需要的SDK。 到AssetStore下载最新版的...OVRPlugin(1.50.0)和最新的音频插件,然后重启Unity; 二.对OculusSDK的设置首先,添加OculusAPI key。通过Unity菜单栏 的Oculus-> ...
The SDK package comes with sample applications showcasing the seamless integration of these features into fully operational games and applications.User InterfaceIt provides a user-friendly interface for developers, featuring comprehensive documentation, sample projects, and debugging tools to streamline the ...
在Oculus Integration插件中,OVRCameraRig是非常重要的存在。正是因为有它,我们才得以通过Oculus Quest观察虚拟的世界。 而在OVRCameraRig这个预设体中,最重要的则是OVRManager这个脚本。 它提供了到Oculus Quest硬件的主要接口。 因此,在任何一个Oculus Quest VR应用场景中,都需要有一个OVRCameraRig对象。
Oculus Unity SDK documentation: 1.1 Requirements You must have Unity Pro 4.5 or later installed on your system to build the Unity demo. Download theOculus Runtime Download theOculus Unity SDK Much of these instructions can be found within the Oculus Unity Integration Guide (part of the Oculus ...
Oculus Integration资源包在Unity asset中下载。 导入之后会提示你进行升级并重启。 在Project窗口中打开oculus → SampleFramwork → Usage → HandsInteractionTrainScene 作为打包示例场景。 该场景是一个Oculus手势追踪的玩具火车场景。 接下来点击 File → ProjectSettings → XR Plugin Management → Install XR Plugin...
The Meta fork of Epic’s Unreal Engine will give you the most up to date integration of Oculus features. However, you must build the editor from its source. Follow the instructions onAccessing Unreal Engine source code on GitHubto obtain: ...
This process should generate an.apkfile in the{sdk-root-folder}\Sample\Android\OculusVR\app\build\outputs\apk\debugdirectory that can be used to debug or be installed manually. You can also automatically generate a debug-signed.apkby directly running from within Android Studio. SeeRunning the ...
OculusQuest是一体机VR设备,无需电脑,有自己的安卓运行系统,所以开发环境配置跟在Unity上开发安卓应用的流程大同小异。;下面就列出在Unity下开发OculusQuest应用的几个准备步骤:一.添加安卓平台模块和导入OculusIntegration插件 通过 UnityHub 给Unity安装Android开发需要的SDK。 到AssetStore下载最新版的 ...