Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. License This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.About Neovim plugin for automaticaly passing extra context for LLM on code snippet copy to clipboard Topics neovim nvim neovim-plugin nvim-plugin ...
["d"] = "delete", ["r"] = "rename", ["b"] = "rename_basename", ["y"] = "copy_to_clipboard", ["x"] = "cut_to_clipboard", ["p"] = "paste_from_clipboard", ["c"] = "copy", -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the optional config.show_path option like...
"noremap<LEADER>st :Startify<CR> " make Y to copy till the end of the line nnoremap Y y$ " Copy to system clipboard "vnoremap Y "+y " Indentation nnoremap < << nnoremap > >> " Search noremap<LEADER><CR>:nohlsearch<CR> " Adjacent duplicate words noremap<LEADER>dw /\(\<\w\+\...
nvim ~/.config/nvim/vimrc.vim "---vim 个人使用习惯配置start--- set encoding=UTF-8 " leader设置成空格 let mapleader=" " " 使用鼠标 set mouse=c " 显示行号 set nu " 相对行号 set relativenumber " tab=4个空格 set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 " 改变 vim中光标的形状 let g:db_ui_us...
" Copy to system clipboard vnoremap Y "+y " Indentation nnoremap < << nnoremap > >> " Delete find pair nnoremap dy d% " Search noremap <LEADER><CR> :nohlsearch<CR> " Adjacent duplicate words noremap <LEADER>dw /\(\<\w\+\>\)\_s*\1 " Space to Tab nnoremap ...
('clipboard-provider') let g:clipboard = { \ 'name': 'myClipboard', \ 'copy': { \ '+': 'clipboard-provider copy', \ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-provider copy', \ }, \ 'paste': { \ '+': 'clipboard-provider paste', \ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-...
\ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-provider paste', \ },\ } endif "随机选⼀个颜⾊风格 function RandomColorScheme()let mycolors = split(globpath(&rtp,"**/colors/*.vim"),"\n") exe 'so ' . mycolors[localtime() % len(mycolors)] unlet mycolors endfunction...
Clipboard tool (xclip/xsel/win32yank or other depending on platform) ANerd Font: optional, provides various icons if you have it setvim.g.have_nerd_fontininit.luato true Language Setup: If you want to write Typescript, you neednpm ...
So if you want to remap yanking try to do it in visual mode Paste command example: vim.keymap.set("n", '<C-v>', '"+p', { noremap = true, silent = true }) Copy command example: vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-c>", '"+y', { noremap = true, silent = true }) Share Improv...
在下文中一共展示了Clipboard::nBonds方法的1个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: createPatterns ▲点赞 9▼ //...这里部分代码省略...// Compare clipboard contents with current selectionsame =true;...