"noremap<LEADER>st :Startify<CR> " make Y to copy till the end of the line nnoremap Y y$ " Copy to system clipboard "vnoremap Y "+y " Indentation nnoremap < << nnoremap > >> " Search noremap<LEADER><CR>:nohlsearch<CR> " Adjacent duplicate words noremap<LEADER>dw /\(\<\w\+\...
-- copy to system clipboard, not only within vim vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>y", "\"+y") vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>y", "\"+y") -- tmux session vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-f>", "<cmd>silent !tmux neww tmux-sessionizer<CR>") -- replace abriviation vim.keymap....
nnoremap Y y$" Copy to system clipboard vnoremap Y "+y" Indentation nnoremap < << nnoremap > >>" Search noremap <LEADER><CR> :nohlsearch<CR>" Adjacent duplicate words noremap <LEADER>dw /\(\<\w\+\>\)\_s*\1" Space to Tab nnoremap <LEADER>tt :%s/ /\t/g ...
" Copy to system clipboard vnoremap Y "+y " Indentation nnoremap < << nnoremap > >> " Search noremap <LEADER><CR> :nohlsearch<CR> " Adjacent duplicate words noremap <LEADER>dw /\(\<\w\+\>\)\_s*\1 " Space to Tab nnoremap <LEADER>tt :%s/ /\t/g vnoremap <...
-- Hint: use `:h ` to figure out the meaning if needed -- vim.opt.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' -- use system clipboard vim.opt.completeopt = {'menu','menuone','noselect'} vim.opt.mouse ='a'-- allow the mouse to be used in Nvim vim.cmd(...
('clipboard-provider') let g:clipboard = { \ 'name': 'myClipboard', \ 'copy': { \ '+': 'clipboard-provider copy', \ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-provider copy', \ }, \ 'paste': { \ '+': 'clipboard-provider paste', \ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-...
\ '+': 'clipboard-provider paste',\ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-provider paste', \ },\ } endif "随机选⼀个颜⾊风格 function RandomColorScheme()let mycolors = split(globpath(&rtp,"**/colors/*.vim"),"\n") exe 'so ' . mycolors[localtime() % len...
1 copy to android system clipboard in nvim from termux 1 Neovim keymap won't take effect until I manually source the file 5 Yank to system: neovim inside tmux inside ssh 1 prevent nvim unwanted TextChanged events in lua Hot Network Questions Converting pipe-separated file containing Geo...
" Copy to system clipboard vnoremap Y "+y " Find pair noremap ,. % " Delete find pair nnoremap dy d% " Search noremap <LEADER><CR> :nohlsearch<CR> " Adjacent duplicate words noremap <LEADER>dw /\(\<\w\+\>\)\_s*\1 " Space to Tab nnoremap <LEADER>tt :%s/ /\t/g vnoremap...
FlutterCopyProfilerUrl- Copies the profiler url to your system clipboard (+ register). Note that commandsFlutterRunandFlutterDevToolsmust be executed first. FlutterLspRestart- This command restarts the dart language server, and is intended for situations where it begins to work incorrectly. ...