use {'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp', after ='lspkind.nvim',config=[[require('config.nvim-cmp')]]} use {'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp', after ='nvim-cmp'} use {'hrsh7th/cmp-buffer', after ='nvim-cmp'}-- buffer auto-completion use {'hrsh7th/cmp-path', after ='nvim-cmp'}-- path auto...
-- Hint: use `:h ` to figure out the meaning if neededvim.opt.clipboard ='unnamedplus'-- use system clipboardvim.opt.completeopt = {'menu','menuone','noselect'} vim.opt.mouse ='a'-- allow the mouse to be used in Nvim-- Tabvim.opt.tabstop =4-- number of visual spaces per ...
-- viml let g:genghis_use_systemclipboard = v:true Disable Ex-Commands Put this in your configuration file: -- lua vim.g.genghis_disable_commands = true -- viml let g:genghis_disable_commands = v:true Autocompletion of directories You can get autocompletion for directories by using dress...
opt.clipboard:append("unnamedplus") -- use system clipboard as default register -- split windows opt.splitright = true -- split vertical window to the right opt.splitbelow = true -- split horizontal window to the bottom -- turn off swapfile opt.swapfile = false 31 changes: 31 additions...
use "folke/lsp-colors.nvim" -- 基于neovim 内置lsp 的轻量级lsp 插件,具有高性能UI。非常酷 use 'rinx/lspsaga.nvim' 配置nvim ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/lsp-colors.rc.vim if !exists('#LspColors') | finish | endif lua << EOF require("lsp-colors").setup({ Error = "#db4b4b", ...
\ '+': 'clipboard-provider paste',\ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-provider paste', \ },\ } endif "随机选⼀个颜⾊风格 function RandomColorScheme()let mycolors = split(globpath(&rtp,"**/colors/*.vim"),"\n") exe 'so ' . mycolors[localtime() % len...
" Copy to system clipboard vnoremap Y "+y " Indentation nnoremap < << nnoremap > >> " Delete find pair nnoremap dy d% " Search noremap <LEADER><CR> :nohlsearch<CR> " Adjacent duplicate words noremap <LEADER>dw /\(\<\w\+\>\)\_s*\1 " Space to Tab nnoremap ...
('clipboard-provider') let g:clipboard = { \ 'name': 'myClipboard', \ 'copy': { \ '+': 'clipboard-provider copy', \ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-provider copy', \ }, \ 'paste': { \ '+': 'clipboard-provider paste', \ '*': 'env COPY_PROVIDERS=tmux clipboard-...
use "folke/lsp-colors.nvim" -- 基于neovim 内置lsp 的轻量级lsp 插件,具有高性能UI。非常酷 use 'rinx/lspsaga.nvim' 配置#Copynvim ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/lsp-colors.rc.vim if !exists('#LspColors') | finish | endif lua << EOF require("lsp-colors").setup({ Error = "#db4b4b...
To use fast search in whole project install 'ripgrep' To use system clipboard please install 'xclip'. Link files from this repo to nvim dir ln -s <cloned_repo_path>/config/* ~/.config/nvim Start nvim First run leads to many errors because no plugins have been installed. Please...