cat hello.txt | clipboard-provider copy echo xxxx | ./clipboard-provider copy 配置neovim 最后一步,配置好neovim的剪切板就ok了。我们先看一下neovim中关于剪切板配置的说明: Clipboard integration *provider-clipboard* *clipboard* Nvim has no direct connection to the system clipboard. Instead it depends...
" 复制到windows剪贴板 " How to "copy to clipboard" in vim of Bash on Windows? autocmd TextY...
默认XDG_CONFIG_HOME,XDG_DATA_HOME为空,会使用系统的LOCALAPPDATA变量作为配置文件的读取和插件的安装位置,默认都是在c盘的目录下,为了避免重装系统后neovim需要重配置的问题,我们将这两个位置调整一下,我们需要定义下面两个变量,路径可以根据自己的实际情况进行修改。 # 定义neovim配置文件的路径 XDG_CONFIG_HOME =...
所以我们直接使用自定义剪切板就ok,我们让+和*寄存器都使用clipboard-provider 脚本来配置。 在neovim的配置中增加以下代码: neovim的配置相对较多,如果是spacevim中,可以加到~/.config/nvim/main.vim中 if executable('clipboard-provider') let g:clipboard = { \ 'name': 'myClipboard', \ 'copy': { \ '...
Copy to clipboard require('gitlab').setup({statusline={enabled=false}}) DisableStarted Code Suggestions LSP Integrationmessages To change the minimal message level, add this to your configuration: Copy to clipboard require('gitlab').setup({minimal_message_level=vim.log.levels.ERROR,}) ...
Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. License This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.About Neovim plugin for automaticaly passing extra context for LLM on code snippet copy to clipboard Topics neovim nvim neovim-plugin nvim-plugin ...
set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus else " On mac and Windows, use * register for copy-paste set clipboard=unnamed endif endif " set autoread filetype on " 开启文件类型检测 filetype plugin indent on " 开启文件类型插件检测 syntax on " 开启语法高亮 "设置esc的生效时间 set timeout set timeoutlen...
In addition, the previous "linux64" binary has been renamed to "linux-x86_64". This is a BREAKING change for scripts which consumes our binary releases. Bug Fixes checkhealth: Failed if 'lua' in plugin name decor: Set invalid flag for end of invalidated paired marks ...
YYCopy to clipboard ,pPaste Ctrly+,Activate Emmet plugin CtrlhDoes a fuzzy search in your command mode history Python hotkeys CommandsDescriptions SHIFT+kOpen documentation Control+SpaceAutocomplete ,dGo to the Class/Method definition ,rRename object definition ...