clipboard `c` copy add/remove file/directory to copy clipboard `p` paste paste from clipboard; cut clipboard has precedence over copy; will prompt for confirmation `y` copy_name copy name to system clipboard `Y` copy_path copy relative path to system clipboard `gy` copy_absolute_path copy...
1)远程主机可能根本就没有 Clipboard 这个东西,比如 Linux 系统本身就没有 Clipboard 这个概念,clipboard 只有图形界面才有,而图形界面并不是 Linux 系统的一部分,只是一个 GUI 程序而已。也就是说,如果我们访问的是一个只有命令行界面而没有桌面环境的 Linux Server,那么它是没有 Clipboard 的,我们自然也就无从...
niuiic/cp-image.nvim - Paste image from clipboard and insert the reference code. askfiy/nvim-picgo - A picgo-core-based Neovim plugin, written in Lua, that allows you to upload images to the image bed, which means you can view your images from anywhere on the internet. madskjeldgaard/...
["d"] = "delete", ["r"] = "rename", ["b"] = "rename_basename", ["y"] = "copy_to_clipboard", ["x"] = "cut_to_clipboard", ["p"] = "paste_from_clipboard", ["c"] = "copy", -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the optional config.show_path option like...
首先init.lua是整个配置的入口文件,负责引用所有其他的模块,基本上想要打开或关闭某个插件只要在这里修改一行代码即可。 basic.lua:基础配置,是对默认配置的一个重置。 colorscheme.lua:我们安装的主题皮肤配置,在这里切换主题。 keybindings.lua:快捷键的设置,所有插件的快捷键也都会放在这里。
ekickx/clipboard-image.nvim - Neovim Lua plugin to paste image from clipboard. askfiy/nvim-picgo - A picgo-core-based Neovim plugin, written in Lua, that allows you to upload images to the image bed, which means you can view your images from anywhere on the internet. gwatcha/reaper-...
While Neovim is built as an extension of Vim, it has a few key differences: Neovim uses Lua for its code interface, while Vim uses Vimscript. Neovim requires installation, while Vim is installed by default on most Unix systems. Neovim includes all features from the start, while Vim has op...
diagnostic:preserve fields from LSP diagnostics via user_data (#15735) (17b7968) diagnostic:remove useless highlight links (#15683) (c13242c), closes#15585 disable clipboard when test registers (dd63d93) docgen:add tagfunc.lua (0746f00) ...
1 copy to android system clipboard in nvim from termux 1 Neovim keymap won't take effect until I manually source the file 5 Yank to system: neovim inside tmux inside ssh 1 prevent nvim unwanted TextChanged events in lua Hot Network Questions Converting pipe-separated file containing Geo...
local current_file = vscode.eval("return vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName") local current_tab_is_pinned = vscode.eval("return vscode.window.tabGroups.activeTabGroup.activeTab.isPinned") vscode.eval("await vscode.env.clipboard.writeText(args.text)", { args = { text = "some ...