Mechanistically, in vitro, peripheral nerve injury increased secretion of NRG3, which, following binding to ErbB4 on the cell surface of FAPs, promoted expression of osteogenesis-associated genes via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, thus contributing to osteogenic differentiation of FA...
1997. Neuregulin-3 (NRG-3): a novel neural tissue-enriched protein that binds and activates ErbB4. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:9562-9567.Zhang D, Sliwkowski MX, Mark M, Frantz G, Akita R, Sun Y, Hillan K, Crowley C, Brush J, Godowski PJ: Neuregulin-3 (NRG3): a novel neural...
ErbB2、ErbB3和ErbB4是NRG1的受体,它们的异常表达可能与精神病的发生和发展有关。 总结起来,本研究结果揭示了抗精神病药物慢性给药对大鼠前额叶和海马内NRG1、ErbB2、ErbB3和ErbB4的表达产生了影响。这些发现有助于深入理解抗精神病药物的作用机制,并为进一步研究精神病的发病机理提供了新的线索。然而,由于本研究...
目的探讨氯胺酮连续给药致小鼠产生的类似精神分裂症症状,与精神分裂症易感基因神经调节蛋白1(neuregulin-1,NRG1)及其受体ErbB4 mRNA表达的相关性,为研究精神分裂症的可能发病机制提供参考依据。方法50只雄性昆明种小鼠,随机分为生理盐水组、氯胺酮小剂量(25 mg/kg)、中剂量(50 mg/kg)、大剂量(100 mg/kg)组和氯...
PTPN21 exerts pro-neuronal survival and neuritic elongation via ErbB4/NRG3 signaling. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biol- ogy. 2015; 61:53-62. doi: 10.1016/j.biocel.2015.02.003 PMID: 25681686.Plani-Lam, J. H. C., Chow, T. C., Siu, K. L., Chau, W. H., ...
Computational analysis of molecular basis of 1:1 interactions of NRG-1beta wild-type and variants with ErbB3 and ErbB4. Proteins 2005, 59, 742-56.Luo C, Xu L, Zheng S, Luo X, Shen J, Jiang H, Liu X, Zhou M. Computational analysis of molecular basis of 1:1 interactions of NRG1...
Functional characterization of tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor 21, a novel modulator of ErbB4/NRG3Janice Lamlinxiaochu
Neuregulin 1 (NRG1); epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (EGFR3; HER3; ErbB3); HER4 (EGFR4; ErbB4)Cell culture and mouse studies suggest antagonizing NRG1, HER3 or HER4 could be useful for preventing chemotherapy resistance in NSCLC....
Computational analysis of molecular basis of 1:1 interactions of NRG1beta wild-type and variants with ErbB3 and ErbB4. Proteins, 2005, 59(4): 742-756.LUO C,XU L F,ZHENG S X, et al.Computational analysis of molecularbasis of 1 : 1 interactions of NRG-1 beta wild-type and variants ...
NRG3, which is activated after nicotine intake, binds to ERBB4 and causes GABA release. GABA reduces anxiety and tension, which are one of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Therefore we aimed to investigate the relationship between NRG3 and ERBB4 gene polymorphisms and ND. Materials and methods...