SI2302 A2SHB 2302P/E富满SOT-23电流2.3A 3A场效应管N沟道MOSFET 深圳市东方世纪电子有限公司15年 月均发货速度:当日 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥0.50成交32个 AO4616 30V P沟道和N沟道场效应MOS管 SOT-23 原装现货 UWM友台 深圳市菲婷诗科技有限公司4年 ...
1)电性能测试 对电路进行排查,结果显示失效样品的器件Q2引脚信号出现异常,该器件为N-Channel MOSFET,具体表现为:NG样品Q2的D极电位正常,但是对G极的反馈信号无动作。Q2不能正常工作致使电源电路的DC3.3V输出下降,该输出达不到设计要求,将会直接导致系统出现不能正常开机。 图1 正常样品与失效样品Q2 pin脚信号对比 ...
长电CJ3400 丝印R0 RO 5.8A30V场效应管N沟道MOSFET 深圳市福田区时代微科电子经营部5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市 ¥60.00 长电长晶2SK3018丝印KN SOT-323封装 0.1A电流30V耐压 N沟道MOS管 深圳市博仕森科技有限公司4年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
1)电性能测试 对电路进行排查,结果显示失效样品的器件Q2引脚信号出现异常,该器件为N-Channel MOSFET,具体表现为:NG样品Q2的D极电位正常,但是对G极的反馈信号无动作。Q2不能正常工作致使电源电路的DC3.3V输出下降,该输出达不到设计要求,将会直接导致系统出现不能正常开机。 图1 正常样品与失效样品Q2 pin脚信号对比 ...
Channel 1 MOSFET G2 N-Channel 2 MOSFET S2 S1/D2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Channel-1 Channel-2 Drain-Source Voltage Gate-Source Voltage Continuous Drain Current (TJ = 150 °C) Pulsed Drain Current Source Drain Current Diode Current ...
40V 175℃ N-CHANNEL 增强模式 MOSFET 商品说明书 DMTH4004LK3 Document number: DS37792 Rev. 2 - 2 1 of 7 December 2015 © Diodes Incorporated 40V 175°Product Summary Description This MOSFET is designed to minimize the on-state resistance (RDS(ON)) and yet maintain...
XT3404 SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate MOSFET(N-Channel) 1 SOT-23 产品特性总结Product Summary VDS 30V RDSON(@VGS= 10V) <30mΩ RDSON(@VGS= 4.5V) <45mΩ 根据客户要求打印 According to customer requirement 脚位定义Pin Definition N沟道30V漏-源电压MOS管 N-Channel 30V(D-S) Mosfet 特征 Features ...
MOSFET – N-Channel, POWERTRENCH), 80 V FDS3580 General Description This N−Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC−DC converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. These MOSFETs feature faster switching and lower gate ...
MOSFET - N-Channel, DUAL COOL) 88, POWERTRENCH) 100 V, 162 A, 2.95 mW FDMT800100DC General Description This N−Channel MOSFET is produced using onsemi's advanced POWERTRENCH process. Advancements in both silicon and DUAL COOL package technologies have been combined to offer the lowest rDS...
AON6290 100V N-Channel MOSFET 产品说明书 AON6290 100V N-Channel MOSFET General Description Product Summary V DS I D (at V GS =10V)85A R DS(ON) (at V GS =10V)< 4.6m W R DS(ON) (at V GS =6V)< 6.2m W 100% UIS Tested 100% R g Tested Symbol V DS V GS I...