Consensus Seeking 示意图5 上图为我们通过 prompt 给智能体设置的个性,我们考察了两种个性: (1)固执 stubborn:固执的智能体倾向于坚持其状态,使其不合作。 (2)易受暗示 suggestible:易受暗示的智能体倾向于轻易改变其状态。 Consensus Seeking 示意图6 上图为考虑 2 个有个性的智能体的组合情况: (a)中两个智...
Consensus of multi-agent systems via fully distributed event-triggered control[J]. Automatica, 2020, 116: 108898. 1.这篇论文研究的主要焦点是什么? 这篇论文主要研究的是均质线性多智能体系统(MASs)在无向图上的共识问题。文献提出了一种自适应事件触发的状态反馈协议,用于在无需...
This paper provides a review of the consensus problem as one of the most challenging issues in the distributed control of the multi-agent systems (MASs). In this survey, firstly, the consensus algorithms for the agents with the single-integrator, double-integrator and high-order dynamic models ...
As such, we present a trust-based solution for the discrete-time multi-agent consensus problem and prove its asymptotic convergence in strongly connected digraphs. The novelty of the paper is a new trust algorithm called RoboTrust, which is used to calculate trustworthiness in agents using ...
Consensus tracking for nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown disturbance by using model free adaptive iterative learning control 热度: Distributed consensus for multi-agent systems with delays and noises in transmission channels 热度: Group consensus of the first-order multi-agent systems with...
This article is a tutorial to event-triggered coordination for multi-agent average consensus.We provide a comprehensive account of the motivations behind the use of event-triggered strategies for consensus, the methods for algorithm synthesis, the technical challenges involved in establishing desirable pro...
tion of complex networks. Under this framework, the consensus of multiagent systems with a communication topology having a span- ning tree can be cast into the stability of a set of matrices of the same low dimension. The notion of consensus region is then intro- ...
(2019). Event-triggered communication and control of networked systems for multi-agent consensus.Automatica,105, 1-27. 本文介绍了多代理平均一致性的事件触发协调。 我们全面介绍了使用事件触发策略达成一致性背后的动机、算法合成方法、建立结果实现的理想属性所涉及的技术挑战,以及它们在分布式控制中的应用。
Several consensus protocols have been proposed in the literature and their convergence properties studied via a variety of methods. In all these methods, the communication topologies play a key role in the convergence of consensus processes. The goal of this paper is two fold. First, we explore ...