Consensus of multi-agent systems via fully distributed event-triggered control[J]. Automatica, 2020, 116: 108898. 1.这篇论文研究的主要焦点是什么? 这篇论文主要研究的是均质线性多智能体系统(MASs)在无向图上的共识问题。文献提出了一种自适应事件触发的状态反馈协议,用于在无需...
ConsensusofMulti-AgentSystemswithBinary-Val ¥ 49.24 8.8折 ¥ 56 全新 仅1件 湖北武汉 送至北京市朝阳区 认证卖家担保交易快速发货售后保障 作者王婷 著 出版社冶金工业出版社 ISBN9787502487560 出版时间2021-05 版次1 装帧平装 开本其他 页数136页 定价56元 上书时间2024-12-31 书友kw...
Yang Hong-Yong,Lu Lan,Cao Ke-Cai,Zhang Si-Ying.Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Prestissimo Scale-Free Networks[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics .2010(4)Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Prestissimo Scale-Free Networks[J]. 杨洪勇,路兰,曹科才,张嗣瀛.Communications in Theoretical ...
fied way the consensus of multiagent systems and the synchroniza- tion of complex networks. Under this framework, the consensus of multiagent systems with a communication topology having a span- ning tree can be cast into the stability of a set of matrices of the ...
多智能体系统共识(Multi-agent Systems Consensus):指多个智能体(或代理)在系统中达成某种形式的一致性或协调行为的过程。这是多智能体系统研究中的一个核心问题,涉及到智能体之间的信息交换和协调决策。 一般线性动力学(General Linear Dynamics):这是描述多智能体系统行为的数学模型,通常涉及线性方程来表达智能体的状...
Consensus tracking for nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown disturbance by using model free adaptive iterative learning control 热度: Distributed consensus for multi-agent systems with delays and noises in transmission channels 热度: Group consensus of the first-order multi-agent systems with...
Distributed Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Leader-Following Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems: Distributed Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Multi-... This paper proposes a new class of nonlinear protocols for fixed-time consensus in networked agents with directed and intermittent communications. ...
Owning to the existence of DoS attacks, it is challenging to investigate the event-triggered control of multiagent systems in a fully distributed manner. This article presents a novel dynamic event-triggered mechanism to alleviate the limited communication resources. Moreover, the designed mechanism ...
Recently, researchers have focused more on the cooperative control of multi-agent systems (MASs) and achieved numerous significant results [6], [26], [43]. An important issue on the cooperative control of MASs is to design the controllers such that all agents can achieve an agreement; the ag...