MULTIAGENT systemsSENSOR networksAUTONOMOUS vehiclesEIGENVALUESLAPLACIAN matricesThis paper concerns the consensus problem of linear time-invariant multi-agent systems (MASs) with multiple state delays and communicate delays. Consensus control is widely applied in spacecraft formation, sensor networks, ro...
Consensus of multi-agent systems via fully distributed event-triggered control[J]. Automatica, 2020, 116: 108898. 1.这篇论文研究的主要焦点是什么? 这篇论文主要研究的是均质线性多智能体系统(MASs)在无向图上的共识问题。文献提出了一种自适应事件触发的状态反馈协议,用于在无需...
This paper presents a new privacy-preserving resilient consensus algorithm for multi-agent systems whose communication network suffers from deception attacks and privacy theft. First, considering the multi-agent system directly exposes the real state information to the outside in the information transmissio...
Predefined-Time Bounded Consensus of Multiagent Systems With Unknown Nonlinearity via Distributed Adaptive Fuzzy Control control 2337 19:00 基于多主体建模的人机协同作战演化研究 2357 19:00 带有不稳定模态的多智能体系统一致性控制 2350 18:00 Time and Energy Costs for Consensus of Multi-agent systems wit...
带输入滞后/时滞的多智能体一致性控制 consensus control of multi-agent systems with input delay 2730 IEEETRANSACTIONSONCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS—I:REGULARPAPERS,VOL.62,NO.11,NOVEMBER2015 ConsensusControlofaClassofLipschitzNonlinear SystemsWithInputDelay ChunyanWang,ZongyuZuo, Member, IEEE,ZongliLin, Fellow, IEEE...
This paper studies the consensus problem of multi-agent systems in which all agents are modeled by a general linear system. The authors consider the case w
Consensus tracking control problem of the multi-agent systems with both noise and disturbances is studied in this paper. A robust adaptive control scheme is designed according to Lyapunov stability theory. The main contribution of this paper is that the consensus is realized in multi-agent systems ...
共识控制(Consensus Control):共识控制是多智能体系统(MASs)中的一种策略,旨在使所有智能体达成某种形式的一致性或共同目标。这通常涉及到智能体之间的信息交换和协调。 状态同步(State Synchronization):在多智能体系统中,状态同步指的是使所有智能体的状态(如位置、速度等)达到一致或同步。 n维随机时延系统(n-dimens...
Leader-FollowingConsensusControlfor Multi-AgentSystemsUnderMeasurement Noises ⋆ Cui-QinMa,TaoLi,Ji-FengZhang KeyLaboratoryofSystemsandControl,InstituteofSystemsScience, AcademyofMathematicsandSystemsScience,ChineseAcademyof Sciences,Beijing100080,China( Abstract:Thispaperisconcernedwith...