By using Lyapunov theory and bilinear matrix inequalities (BMIs), the sufficient conditions are obtained to guarantee the consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Meanwhile, the Zeno behavior is excluded and a positive lower triggered bound be found between two consecutive actuation updates. ...
In this paper, a multi-sensor multi-rate (MSMR) sampling mechanism is introduced in multi-agent systems (MASs), and the output consensus problem for heterogeneous MASs with the MSMR sampling mechanism is investigated. By constructing a dynamic compensator for each agent, a new distributed ...
Consensus Heterogeneousmulti-agentsystems Joint-connected abstract Inthispaper,theconsensusproblemofheterogeneousmulti-agentsystemswithswitching jointly-connectedinterconnectionandaleaderisconsidered.Firstly,byamodeltransfor- mation,theoriginalclosed-loopsystemisturnedintoanequivalentsystem.Andthen,by applyingthematrixtheo...
Consistence problems are investigated for heterogeneous multi-agent systems composed of firstorder agents and second-order agents.Consistent convergence for the heterogeneous multi-agent systems is studied with stationary consistence algorithm without time delay,and the sufficient and necessary consistence condit...
(redirected fromHeterogeneous agents) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia het·er·o·ge·ne·ous (hĕt′ər-ə-jē′nē-əs, -jēn′yəs) adj. 1.alsohet·er·og·e·nous(hĕt′ə-rŏj′ə-nəs)Consisting of dissimilar elements or parts; not homogeneous. See Synonyms atmiscella...
Multi-agentsystems Outputconsensus Heterogenousnetworks Regulationequation abstract Thispaperdealswithoutputconsensusproblemofheterogeneousmulti-agentsystems.The casesofleaderlessandleader-followingareconsidered.Foreachcase,adynamicconsensus protocolisproposed,inwhichtheparametersaredependentonthesolutionofaregula- tionequati...
内容提示: Consensus Control for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent SystemsLuis D. Alvergue, Abhishek Pandey, Guoxiang Gu, and Xiang ChenMay 6, 2015AbstractWe study distributed output feedback control for a heterogeneous multi-agent system (MAS),consisting of N different continuous-time linear dynamical ...
《Consensus of Heterogeneous Mixed-order Multi-agent Systems including UGV and UAV》详细描述了包括无人地面车辆(UGV)和无人机(UAV)在内的异构混合阶多智能体系统的一致性问题。该文提出了一种基于分布式算法的控制方法,旨在实现多个异构智能体之间的一致行为。文
In this paper, consensus problems of heterogeneous multi-agent systems based on sampled data with a small sampling delay are considered. First, a consensus protocol based on sampled data with a small sampling delay for heterogeneous multi-agent systems is proposed. Then, the algebra graph theory,...