Multi-robot navigationDeep reinforcement learningCollision avoidanceHierarchical motion planningIn multi-robot navigation tasks, the interaction between a large number of robots in dynamic environments greatly affects the results of navigation. The interaction between the robots changes with environmental ...
The source code of the paper "Reinforcement Learned Distributed Multi-Robot Navigation with Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle Shaped Rewards" - GT-SHAN/Multi-Robot-Navigation
The more path conflicts between multiple robots, the more time it takes to avoid each other, and the more navigation time it takes for the robots to complete all tasks. This study designs a multi-robot navigation system based on deep reinforcement learning to provide an innovative and effective...
The challenges to solving the collision avoidance problem lie in adaptively choosing optimal robot velocities in complex scenarios full of interactive obstacles. In this paper, we propose a distributed approach for multi-robot navigation which combines the concept of reciprocal velocity obstacle (RVO) an...
Hi Team, Video.mp4 We have two delivery robots delivery1, delivery2 respectively. We have provided commands i.e, dispatch_go_to_place to two robots simultaneously. we have observed that robots have planed entirely different paths to reac...
The robot is controlled by a rotating permanent magnet, with proposed influence and rotation regions to enhance usability. Placing the magnet outside the influence region disables unwanted robots, while positioning it within the actuation region activates the target robot, providing intuitive control for...
In this paper, we discuss autonomous navigation in multirobot environment based on local communication. To carry out cooperative tasks using multiple autonomous robots, navigation systems should be implemented to the robots because mutual alignment of their positions and collision avoidance to each other...
展开 关键词: SLAM (robots computational complexity image matching multi-robot systems navigation optimisation robot vision trees (mathematics Mahalanobis distance computational complexity 会议名称: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots & Systems 会议...
An unknown environment could be mapped more efficiently by a group of robots than a single robot. The time reduction due to parallelization is crucial in complex area mapping. There are two general solutions used in the multi-robot mapping. In the first
mapf_base 节点参照 ros navigation 包中 move_base 的功能,作为 mapf 算法的中央控制器,调度核心算法运行. Notes: mapf_base节点只生成 global plan,不下发速度控制命令。 可以按照 plan 的每个 time step 发送给move_base,按照时间步执行控制命令. 1.2 订阅话题 /mapf_base/mapf_goal [mapf_msgs/Goal] map...