2013). Information on the comparative genomic variations was made available in a public database named NIG_MoG (Takada et al. 2015). The data on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MSM and JF1 has been widely used to identify allele-specific markers for epigenetic and gene expression ...
7b, c). Finally, we probed the immature B cell subpopulations in their sensitivity towards depleting anti-CD20 antibodies. In agreement with CD20 expression levels, SP and DP subpopulations were depleted upon anti-CD20 antibody treatment in vivo, while the DN cells even slightly increased in ...
We also show complex lineage relationships among postnatal cell types. Additionally, we develop an open-source cell type classifier, SeqSeek, to facilitate the standardization of cell type identification. This work provides an integrated view of spinal cell types, their gene expression signatures, and...
After batch correction, we pooled cells from all the tissue slices and performed cell typing by hierarchically clustering single-cell expression profiles (Extended Data Fig.2candMethods). To annotate cell types and align them with published cell-type nomenclature1,2,13, we integrated our data wit...
(RA) due to its enhanced expression in RA-derived bone marrow stromal cell lines. CD157 has been predicted to function as a cell surface receptor and an immunoregulatory molecule. CD157 was originally identified as a bone marrow stromal cell molecule (BST-1) with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol ...
(c) Dot plot of postbud genes in dental mesenchymal cells; dot size showing gene expressed in the fraction of cells in the group; dot color showing the mean expression level of the gene. (d, e) In vivo spatial localization (top) and subcell populations/cell cycles (middle) of E12.5 ...
In the field of mouse genetics the advent of technologies like microarray based expression profiling dramatically increased data availability and sensitivity, yet these advanced methods are often vulnerable to the unavoidable heterogeneity of in vivo material and might therefore reflect differentially expressed...
Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that Krt79 and Lrig1 protein are both localized within the infundibulum region, but primarily in adjacent cells rather than in exactly the same cell population (Figure 2H). Expression of Efnb2 was also significantly correlated with expression of Krt79 in this ...
The purpose of this work was to study the gene expression of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in the mouse. The application of a standardized and quantitative technique, TaqMan RT-PCR, should give information about the pattern and relative imp
g, Finally, units in the database are mapped to a 3D location in the CCFv3 and are assigned a structure label. Units in cortex are also assigned a relative depth (0, surface; 1, white matter) and a layer label (L1, L2/3, L4, L5 or L6), on the basis of the annotation of ...