MiR-3677-3pFBXO31FOXM1Hepatitis B-related HCCSorafenib resistanceUbiquitinationBREAST-CANCEROVEREXPRESSIONPROLIFERATIONEXPRESSIONBeing encoded by hepatitis B, hepatitis B X (HBx) protein plays crucial roles in hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) occurrence, development, and metastasis. miRNAs ...
Our study revealed that the miR-3677-3p/GSK3β axis may play a crucial role in HCC and miR-3677-3p may serve as a potential diagnostic biomarker or a therapeutic target for HCC. 展开 关键词: miR-3677-3p hepatocellular carcinoma GSK3β proliferation ...
MicroRNAs play im portant roles in regulating hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)form ation,progression and metastasis.However,their functions and the underlying m olecular mechanisms are still unclear.Here,we found that miR-3677-3p was highly expressed in prim ary tumor tissues of HCC patients.And its in...
MicroRNA‐3677‐3psirtuin 5Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), with life‐threatening malignant behaviours, often develops distant metastases and is the fourth most common primary cancer in the world, having taken millions of lives in Asian countries such as China. The novel miR‐3677‐3p is involved...
ChondrogenesisChondrocytesOur results reveal an important role for a novel exosomal circRNA_0001236 in chondrogenic differentiation. Overexpression of exosomal circRNA_0001236 promoted cartilage-specific gene and protein expression through the miR-3677-3p/Sox9 axis. Thus, circRNA_0001236-overexpressing exosomes...