R2014b Functionality 2-30 Result Use Instead Compatibility Considerations a file, use hgsave with the .fig extension. printdmfile function and Errors print -dmfile syntax savefig function or the figure menu Remove all instances of printdmfile and print dmfile. To save a figure to a file, ...
fig=figure; aviobj=VideoWriter('example.avi'); aviobj.FrameRate=30;%set FrameRate before open it open(aviobj); n=30; x=0:pi/n:2*pi; y=sin(x); k=0; set(fig,'outerposition',get(0,'screensize'));%maximize the window j=1; for t=0:pi/n:2*pi k=k+1; x(k)=t; y(k)...
1.直接保存图像 对图像的保存可以直接选择Figure窗口下的文件框,在文件框中选择保存,在保存时可以选择文件格式和保存的文件位置。这种方法的缺点就是图像的清晰度会损失较多。 2.通过saveas命令进行保存 在Matlab中可以直接用saveas函数把指定的figure中图像或者simulink中的框图进行保存。 saveas的格式为:saveas(gca,...
figure('Position', [300 300 300 300]) axlim=10000; aylim=10000; fori = 1:length(y) %fprintf('Frame: %03d\n', i) b=y a=2; plot(a,b,'.','MarkerSize',60) axis([-axlim axlim -aylim aylim]); % axis off end %aviobj = avifile('microsphere...
I've made two movies in MATLAB and I am attempting to get them both in the same figure and save the result as an AVI file. I understand how to use the subplot() function, but for some reason it just won't display properly. My attempt so far is this; 테마복사 f(count) ...
figure(1) curve = animatedline('color','r','linestyle','-.','linewidth',2,'marker','o');%指定线条特性set(gca,'XLim',[0,8*pi],'YLim',[-1,1]); gridon legend('Anmiated Sine') fori=1:length(x) addpoints(curve,x(i),y(i))<br>drawnow ...
(i,j); rgbim(i,j,3)=B(i,j); end end rgbim=rgbim/256; % figure; % subplot(1,2,1); % imshow(gray); % subplot(1,2,2); fake_color_img = imresize(rgbim, [height, width]); imshow(fake_color_img); imwrite(fake_color_img, [savePath, oriFiles(img_idex).name]); img_...
fig = uifigure(Units="normalized"); testCase = matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse; testCase.press(fig,[0.1 0.1]) MATLAB Package Manager: Organize and distribute code using packages Share 使用包管理创建、查找、安装和管理 MATLAB 包。包是 MATLAB 代码、相关文件以及定义包身份和依存关系的包定...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I am tracking an object by mouse selection and want to save the video with tracking results. Here is my code. videoReader = vision.VideoFileReader('1.mp4'); videoFrame = step(videoReader); figure; imshow(videoFrame); title('Select the Object'); ...
The node numbers need to be sequential (clockwise or anticlockwise) for a back face – then numbered on the front face in the same sequence – see figure below. The list ends with “-1” The data for the "ds.dat" should be formatted as follows: For Nodes For Elements nodalSolution...