If you want to do this programmatically, use the saveas or print function. You can also do this interactively through the file menu in the figure window. Choose Save As and select the desired format in the drop down menu. You can also see this post. 2 Comments andrea on 23 Jul 2020...
In data-processing applications, we often present data in graphs that can then be manipulated and saved for later use. In Matlab, saving is done interactively (via the figure’s File/Save menu option or via the figure’s Save toolbar button), or programmatically (via thehgsavefunction). In...
currentfig = findall(groot,'Tag','NNET_CNN_TRAININGPLOT_UIFIGURE'); savefig(currentfig,'test.fig'); Alternatively, use a custom plot function in the"trainingOptions",or save the plot manually as specified in the following documentation:https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ref/trainingopt...
Figure without border (asked less than 24 hours ago) Save plot with minimal whitespace How to remove the white blank area z8080 2019년 7월 11일 Thanks for your answer Adam! What isn't working: there is no export button as explained on that page, since this feature I believe wa...
I'm not sure why the forum editor dumps the figure twice here, but all I'm looking for are the timestamps, which do change. My point in testing this here on the forum isn't strictly demonstrative; it's simply that I run R2019b, which doesn't have exportgraphics(), so the forum...
This MATLAB function creates a context menu in the current figure and returns the ContextMenu object.
R2014b Functionality 2-30 Result Use Instead Compatibility Considerations a file, use hgsave with the .fig extension. printdmfile function and Errors print -dmfile syntax savefig function or the figure menu Remove all instances of printdmfile and print dmfile. To save a figure to a file, ...
To override the desktop theme of a figure, in the Figures toolstrip, go to the Format tab and select a theme. You also can change the figure theme programmatically by calling the theme function (since R2024b) or setting the Theme property of the figure to "light" or "dark". For ...
Matlab figures can be maximized, minimized and restored byinteractivelyclicking the corresponding icon (or menu item) on the figure window’s frame (the title bar). However, we often need to create maximized main-application windows, and wish to save the users the need to manually maximize the...
Save Figure to File Save the figure to a file by first clickingExport, and then specifying a file name, location, and desired format. For more information about file formats, seesaveas. Customize Figure Programmatically Alternatively, you can customize your figure programmatically. To customize the...