figure save Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Based on your location, we recommend tha...
将数字保存为出版友好格式的简便方法用法:[Args=]savefigure(name[,property,value,...]) 属性和默认值'Dpi',600, '尺寸',[3.3 2.5] 英寸'FontSize',0 字体大小乘数'MinFontSize',8 pt 中的最小字体大小'LineWidth',.5 线宽乘数'MinLineWidth',.5 pt 最小线宽'MarkerSize',.5 标记大小乘数'Min...
Write a figure to a file automatically in MATLAB, print (filename,formattype) saves the current figure to a file using the specified file format, such as print ('BarPlot','-dpng'). If the file name does not include an extension, then print appends the appropriate one. print (filename,...
I get the screenshot I need. For whatever reason, it seems like matlab can't get or set a figure while in a for loop. I've commented out some of my other attempts to get this to work.
Using save to save a figure in R2014b or later makes a MAT-file inaccessible in earlier versions of MATLAB. If you use save to save a figure, then the function displays a warning message. Delete any figures before using save. Keep in mind that the figures might not be directly in ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 다운로드 전체 보기 함수 버전 내역 리뷰(3) 토론(1) savePDF is a simple function, nicely crop the MatLAB figure and save it as PDF to a designated directory. If the directory doesn't exist, it creates one. ...
matlab save figure,没有坐标轴,保存为png 背景透明 这个是最相关的解决方案: Ghostcript program not found please locate it ...
versions of Matlab where these opacity settings are not supported, these settings will be stored in the UserHandle of the figure, where saveFigure will search for the setting upon saving. Thus, the opacity will not be visible in Matlab but will be reflected in the saved PDF, PNG, or EPS ...
'fig'— Save the figure as a MATLAB figure file with the .fig extension. To open figures saved with the .fig extension, use the openfig function. This format is not valid for Simulink block diagrams. 'm' or 'mfig'— Save the figure as a MATLAB figure file and additionally create a...
【题目】怎么保存MATLAB所画的图呢?图是在一个Figure窗口里的.我用点了save figure但把当前图关了后。 答案 【解析】做好的文件在根目录里如果你是打开的它的话那就得检查下MAT LAB了要是没问题重做吧相关推荐 1【题目】怎么保存MATLAB所画的图呢?图是在一个Figure窗口里的.我用点了save figure但把当前图...