The handle 'fig' (which I have get set to the output of the gcf() function), is a handle to a figure, which doesn't have those properties at all. Rather, you need to set the output of the plot() command (which outputs a line handle with properties such as 'lineWidth', '...
Saving a figure in a specific format is a very common task mostly adopted by developers while developing applications. MATLAB makes this task easy by providing thesaveas()built-in function. This function allows us to save the given figure in the specified file format. This guide has explored ...
How can I save a figure within app designer?. Learn more about app developer, graphics, save, figure
You can try using an invisible figure: テーマコピー % create an invisible figure f = figure('visible', 'off'); % loop 10 times, saving .fig and .jpeg for a random plt for idx = 1:10 % plot your data plot(rand(10)); % save as .fig savefig(f, sprintf('figure%d.fig...
I have a piece of code in which I modify the data tips that can be visualized with the data cursor. Everything works fine, i.e. the figure in the GUI shows the new data tips that I have added, but when I save the figure with the command saveas(), the saved picture does...
do it with the built in routines, but I, like thousands of others, don't bother when export_fig works so well. So anytime people say they have trouble saving I just refer them to the FAQ. Sorry it was unhelpful to you.
Before saving a figure, it looks like this: After saving a figure, the fontsize of my x and y label have changed: How can I save a figure in a .fig fileexactlythe way I defined it in my MATLAB code? Anyhow, why does MATLAB change my plots in the first place?
Hi, I am using imagesc to plot color maps in matlab. While saving as JPG and Figuire it gives white space around the image. Is it possible to save without white space? imagesc(Subject_Assist_Quest); set(gca,'YDir','normal')
In older versions of Matlab where these opacity settings are not supported, these settings will be stored in the UserHandle of the figure, where saveFigure will search for the setting upon saving. Thus, the opacity will not be visible in Matlab but will be reflected in the saved PDF, PNG,...
·gco 返回当前鼠标单击的句柄值,该对象可以是除root 对象外的任意图形对象,并且Matlab 会把当前图形对象的句柄值存放在Figure 的CurrentObject属性中。 3、Figure Properties(图形特性) 编辑-图窗属性 4、Modifying Properties of An Object(修改对象的属性) (1)Strategy: A、Identify the “handle”of an object(...