MATLAB Online에서 열기 I haven't been able to find any other answers that address this specifically. I'm trying to write a script that generates a bunch of figures and saves them as images, and since there's thousands of images to generate, I'm doing it in a loop. I've ...
Duncan Tulimieri (2025). savingfigures (, GitHub. Retrieved January 24, 2025. MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R2020b Compatible with any release Platform Compatibility Windows macOS Linux Tags Add Tags FEATURED DISCUSSION ...
I'm trying to save a large number of plots in a for loop using the saveas and sprintf functions. The figures appear fine in MATLAB. If I manually save them they appear fine as well. However, when I save them with sprintf and saveas the dashed lines turn to solid lines half way acr...
I am currently using this code to save all the opened Matlab figures. The code saves figures as per numbeR (1,2,3.fig). Instead of numbering, i want to save the files as per title (T100_edot0.01.fig T200_edot0.02.Fig and so on) ...
I am saving various figures as .fig files on my hard drive. When I open the figures, they are looking differently than before saving them. Please take a look on my examples. Before saving a figure, it looks like this: After saving a figure, the fontsize of my x and y label have ...
I'm making figures in MATLAB and want to export them in .svg to work with them in other programs. So far, that has been no problem, but I'm stumbling into something odd now. I'm trying to export this figure: As you can see, this works fine in .png. This is also what the fig...
Exception in thread "Timer-8614" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at com.mathworks.matlab.api.explorer.FileLocation.equals( at com.mathworks.mlwidgets.explorer.model.table.PathAffordance.currentDirectoryIsStillTheSame( at com.mathworks.mlwidgets...
I believe you can save the figures with whatever resolution you want with export_fig. See the FAQ:
I'd like to know if it is that this script is comuptational-intensive (I'm pretty new to Matlab) or is there something in Matlab that I need to configure to make it run faster. What I've experienced is as follows, along with my platform information: Ubuntu 20.0...
Prevent Font size of colorbar from changing when converting matlab figure to tiff file 1 답변 Simple question with saving a .jpeg 1 답변 how to save figures without margin? 1 답변 전체 웹사이트 rebuild-MATLAB-contour ...