8 查看最终视频构造读者对象。命令行键入:shuttleAvi = VideoReader(fullfile(workingDir,'shuttle_out.avi'));9 从视频帧创建一个MATLAB电影结构。命令行键入:ii = 1;while hasFrame(shuttleAvi) mov(ii) = im2frame(readFrame(shuttleAvi)); ii = ii+1;end 10 根据视频的宽度...
then '.avi' will be used. Use AVIFILE/CLOSE to close the file opened by AVIFILE. Use "clear mex" to close all open AVI files. GETFRAMEGet movie frame. GETFRAME returns a movie frame. The frame is a snapshot of the current axis. GETFRAME is usually used in a FOR loop to assembl...
不信我们操作一波。 %% creat movie and save% loops + scatter + getframe% save the file from M_flie to avi% import and open the file of movie01.aviavi_object=VideoWriter('movie01.avi');open(avi_object);% import source datatime=0:.05:10;x=sin(2*time+pi/4);y=log(time+1);plot(...
I am trying to use the movie2avi function in MATLAB. I simply copy the sample program in my MATLAB R2015a: ThemeCopy nFrames = 20; % Preallocate movie structure. mov(1:nFrames) = struct('cdata', [],... 'colormap', []); % Create movie. Z = peaks; surf(Z); axis tight man...
movie2avi(M,'img2914\out4.avi','compression', 'None','FPS',30)%输出视频 'FPS'为速度参数,后为值,一般是三十帧,迅雷能正常播放
% function X = EM_GMM_3d(c,wk,N,movie,Y,D,Cv) % % Inputs: c - # clusters (default: 5) % wk - array of # gaussians to fit (default: 1:10) % N - # GMM samples (default: 200) % movie - string: writes .avi for each k (default: []) ...
movie(mov); %放映电影 将电影转成图片序列 mov=aviread('d:\j.avi'); %读入 fnum=size(mov,2); %读取电影的祯数,mov为1*temp for i=1:fnum strtemp=strcat('d:\转换的图片\',int2str(i),'.','jpg');%将每祯转成jpg的图片 imwrite(mov(i).cdata(:,:,Smile,mov(i).colormap,strtemp);...
%movie2avi(mov,'movie.avi'); ⛄ 运行结果 ⛄ 参考文献 [1] 赵伟,吴子英.双层优化A*算法与动态窗口法的动态路径规划[J].计算机工程与应用, 2021, 57(22):9.DOI:10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2103-0434. [2] 王洪斌,尹鹏衡,郑维,等.基于改进的A~*算法与动态窗口法的移动机器人路径规划[J].机器人,...
Currently I create a movie in .avi format with a size of 720 x 480. However I need to larger size because of all the text I am writing on the side of the movie. I do not see any argument or method belong to the object to change the default...
查看matlab help帮助的说明,我们可以知道dir是将当前文件目录下的所有文件都列出来。dir函数返回的是一个结构体(struct)变量,包括文件的名字、大小和日期等信息。首先:dir('.\*.jpg')就是将当前文件夹下面所有后缀为jpg格式的图片文件信息都获取出来。如果你有十张图片,那么pic = dir('.\*.jpg...