추천 0 링크 번역 movie_made_from_surf.m movie_made_from_surf_grayscale.m See my attached demo where I create a movie from a series of plots I make with surf(). 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.이...
aviObj=avifile('examples.avi'); % Create a new AVI file aviObj.Quality = 100; %只对压缩格式有效,[0,100],default:75 aviObj.fps=1; %the speed of the AVI movie in frames per second (fps),default:15 fps aviObj.Compression='None'; % compression codec指定压缩编解码器 %===设置黑白图...
makeMovie.m makeMovie.mat makeMovie.fig MaximizeFigureWindow.m I was doing almost the same thing today. I'm still in the act of polishing it up, but here is a first draft that works, attached. You specify a folder of images and it builds all the images into an avi movie. You can...
Create a short movie! Whether you are a seasoned MATLAB user or just a beginner, you can participate in the contest and have opportunities to win amazing prizes. Be sure to check out our Blog post for more details on the Community Contests. Timeframe This contest runs for 5 weeks, from ...
Run TakeVideoAndPlayMovie.m from the Editor or the command line, it is suggested to press the GUI Buttons in the topdown or left to right order. The following order is recommeded: 1) Video Setup, it will generate an input PopUp window, and users are prompted to either accept the ...
但是这还是不方便,由于它没法脱离MATLAB环境,很讨厌。还好MATLAB为我们提供了movie2avi函数,它可以把动画直接转换成avi文件,而avi文件则可以脱离Matalb环境而在其他地方运行了。 1:保存成avi文件 几个必要的函数: AVIFILE Create a new AVI file AVIOBJ = AVIFILE(FILENAME) creates an AVIFILE object AVIOBJ wit...
Enjoy! And why not, feel free to comment below with your ideas on how to create a great movie scene with MATLAB and your science work. Download Live Script いいね | フォロー 共有する < Boost Your App Design Efficiency... Creating a Flight Tracking Dashboard,.....
A possible next step in this process can be to combine the processed images into a single video again. If a new movie (called movie_new) is to be created from frames (called frame#), then the following code supplies the backbone for such a process [9]. % Specify video name and ...
createfmr.m createmarkervmp.m createsrf.m createvmr.m csvdbupdate.m custom_pwelch.m cutnpastemovie.m dcm2nii.m ddeblank.m degclust.m depcorrt.m detecthandles.m detecthandles_o.m dicom2nii.m dicom4todmr.m dicom4tofmr.m dicom_dic.m dilate3d.m dispp.m ...