Run TakeVideoAndPlayMovie.m from the Editor or the command line, it is suggested to press the GUI Buttons in the topdown or left to right order. The following order is recommeded: 1) Video Setup, it will generate an input PopUp window, and users are prompted to either accept the defa...
AVIFILE. Use "clear mex" to close all open AVI files. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GETFRAME Get movie frame. GETFRAME returns a movie frame. The frame is a snapshot of the current axis. GETFRAME is usually used in a FOR loop to assemble an array of movie frames for playback using MOVIE....
[filename,pathname]=uigetfile('*.avi','Pick an VIDEO'); ifisequal(filename,0)||isequal(pathname,0) disp('User pressed cancel') else a=aviread(filename); handles.a=a; end %Updatehandlesstructure guidata(hObject,handles); %---ExecutesonbuttonpressinPlayMovie. functionPlayMovie_Callback(...
To create a movie frame from the current figure or axes, see getframe. example movie(M,n) plays the movie n number of times. You can specify n as a numeric array, where the first element of the array specifies the number of times to play the movie, and the remaining elements make...
immovie,Makemoviefrommultiframeimage,从多帧图像的电影 implay,"Playmovies,videos,orimagesequences",播放电影、视频或图像序列 warp,Displayimageastexture-mappedsurface,显示图像作为纹理映射的表面 iptgetpref,GetvaluesofImageProcessingToolboxpreferences,获取图像处理工具箱的首选项 iptprefs,DisplayImageProcessingTool...
8.6.1 打开影片:OpenMovie 1398.6.2 关闭影片:CloseMovie 1408.6.3 获取影片图像:GetMovieImage 1408.6.4 播放影片:PlayMovie 1408.6.5 获取影片时间:GetMovieTimeIndex 1418.6.6 设置影片时间:SetMovieTimeIndex 1418.6.7 创建影片:CreateMovie 1428.6.8 添加帧:AddFrameToMovie 1428.6.9 添加音频信息:Add...
Use a VideoWriter object to create a video file from an array or MATLAB® movie. The object contains information about the video and the properties that control the output video. You can create a VideoWriter object using the VideoWriter function, specify its properties, and then write the vide...
% Playback movie once at the video's frame rate movie(hf, mov, 1, readerobj.FrameRate);See...
The Playback API request failed for an unknown reason Error Code: VIDEO_CLOUD_ERR_UNKNOWN Technical details : Unknown catalog request error. Session ID: 2024-11-26:e168408cb5e0454ca53f07e2 Player Element ID: mathworks-brightcove-player OK Close Modal Dialog Enjoy! And why...
mov(k).colormap = [];end% Create a figurehf =figure;% Resize figure based on the video's width and heightset(hf,'position', [150150readerobj.Width readerobj.Height])% Playback movie once at the video's frame ratemovie(hf, mov,1, readerobj.FrameRate); ...