writeVideo(vedio,image); % 写入视频帧 end close(vedio); % 关闭视频文件 1.picture into MOV: clear;clc;close all; fig=figure; aviobj=VideoWriter('example.avi'); aviobj.FrameRate=30;%set FrameRate before open it open(aviobj); n=30; x=0:pi/n:2*pi; y=sin(x); k=0; set(fig...
方法一:最简单的方法,但是不灵活。选择Figure文件的File菜单下面的Save As...。在弹出的保存窗口中选择具体的保存格式,eps或jpg。另外该方法可以写成命令形式saveas(gcf,'1.eps')或saveas(gcf,'1.jpg'),方便在脚本文件中执行。方法二:该方法只能导出jpg格式的文件,供word中使用。具体方法是点击...
saveFigure('foo.png', gcf); Save to set of file types, return full file names: fileNameList = saveFigure('foo', gcf, 'ext', {'pdf', 'png', 'svg', 'fig', 'eps', 'hires.png'}); If fileName has no extension, the figure will be saved in multiple formats as specified by the...
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor','w'); for i = 1:length(Selection) figure(i) imshow((imread(str{Selection(i)})),'InitialMagnification','fit')% Or : d(Selection(i)).name == str{Selection} title(str(Selection(i))); frame=getframe(i); im=frame2im(frame);%制作gif文件,图像必须是index索引...
figure 和 saveas:通过 figure 函数创建图形窗口,然后使用 saveas 函数保存图形窗口的内容到文件。I =...
% Save the figure saveas(gcf, fig_name, 'jpeg'); % Create a VideoWriter object for the video v = VideoWriter(video_name, 'MPEG-4'); open(v); % Capture the frame and add it to the video frame = getframe(gcf); writeVideo(v, frame); % Close the VideoWriter object close(v); ...
figure(); % 绘制图 plot(Xdata, Ydata1, '-', LineWidth=lw ); hold on plot(Xdata, Ydata2, '-', LineWidth=lw ); hold on plot(Xdata, Ydata3, '-', LineWidth=lw ); % 图像句柄,以便设置参数 ax1=subplot(1,1,1); % 显示网格 ...
If I use the "save" button in the figure window then it saves the figure as seen on the screen without a problem, but I would like to be able to do it programmatically if possible. Please help. Thanks! 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 이 ...
是不是数据量较大的三维图,以前碰到过,数据量较大,copy下的图是全黑的,只好降低图像要求:在Edit-copy options下选择bitmat选项,还有选择transparent background图的四周可以是透明的,再用copy figure就不会黑了,但图像质量会下降。不知道你是不是这个原因,希望有帮助 ...
直接输入到控制台就行 %获取所有打开的图像的句柄 figs=findall(groot,'Type','figure');%遍历所有图像并保存fori=1:numel(figs)%指定保存的文件名 filename=sprintf('figure%d.jpg',i);%保存图像saveas(figs(i),filename);end 分享至 投诉或建议 ...