for循环是一种重复控制结构,有效地编写一个需要执行特定次数的循环。 for index = values ... end 值(Value)具有以下格式。 现设置一个加法循环,随着a值的增加,b在不断的循环中其值也在增加。 b=1 for a=1:2:3 b=b+a; end display(b) b的结果为7。 3.条件循环语句 while表示条件为true时重复执行...
5 disp('Calculating absolute value') 6 absdif = abs(dif); 7 end 利用varargin和varargout可以实现可变参数和返回值列表,例子如下(取自Matlab R2014帮助文档): 1 % file: varlist.m 2 function varlist(varargin) 3 fprintf('Number of arguments: %d\n',nargin); 4 celldisp(varargin) 1 % file: s...
请找出数组中任意一个重复的数字。例如,如果输入长度为7的数组{2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 5, 3}, ...
...输入 valArray 可以是任何 MATLAB 数据类型, 包括字符串、单元格数组或结构。...详细例子如下: 例子 1 在MATLAB中建立一个脚本文件,并输入下述代码: for a = 10:20 fprintf('value of a: %d ', a); end 运行文件,显示下述结果 6300 matlab 用循环求和,matlab循环求和函数...
I wanna store the position when the value of A is a number. so for variable 1, i got values in row 1,2 and 3. for variable 2, i got values in rows 1 2 4 5 so the result of what I want is: Answer = 1 1 2 2 3 NaN (because A(3,2) is not a number) ...
value = new_value; self.unit_list(meme_worst_id).position = new_pos; end % 获取当前最优个体的id function best_id=get_best_id(self) % 求最大值则降序排列 [value,index] = sort([self.unit_list.value],'descend'); best_id = index(1); end end end 文件名:..\optimization algorithm...
用高斯消去法把矩阵A转换为上三角阵 [m,n]=size(A); %获得A的行和列分别存入m和n中 列主元素消去法 for k=1:n-1 [v,u]=max(abs(A(k:n,k))); %选出A的第k列中绝对值最大元素存入v, 而u是记录多少的行或列,并取最大值,比如有m行,n列,且n>m,则u=n 计算矩阵A...
Functioni = find_first(array, value) % FIND_FIRST Find first index of a value in an array. % I = FIND_FIRST(ARRAY, VALUE) returns the index I into the ARRAY where the % first occurrence of VALUE is found. If VALUE is not in ARRAY, then an error is raised. ...
logical data type represents a logicaltrueorfalsestate using the numbers1and0, respectively. Certain MATLAB functions and operators return logical1or logical0to indicate whether a certain condition was found to be true or not. For example, the statement(5 * 10) > 40returns a logical1value. ...
the decision maker wants to choose one of several suppliers to purchase a batch of parts. The quality and price of the parts are considered factors, but the decision makers value quality more than price. Therefore, the evaluation index weight of quality is greater than the index weight of ...