then the index of the first occurrence of each repeated value is returned. [C,IA] = setdiff(A,B,'rows','stable') returns the rows of C in the same order that they appear in A.
[mVal,mInd]=max(MA);% max value of matrix & column index of that value maxRow=IA(mInd); maxCol=mInd; maxRow为第一个维度的索引,maxCol为第二个维度的索引。 ##find the index of the maximum value in a 2D or 3D matrix in MATLAB## 寻找三维矩阵的最大值所在位置的索引: 1 2 3 4 5...
Step 2: Obtain the triangular fuzzy evaluation value of each risk evaluation index under the evaluation scale by each expert, and obtain the risk evaluation matrix of each expert. Step 3: Use the weighting method to assemble the expert q, the risk assessment matrix X, and the evaluation value...
And a -simplified- matrix (row) C: [9 2] Then I would like to get matrix D and matrix E.These matrices should contain in the first column the numbers from the original matrix D(or E) and in the second column the corresponding row-location of this value in matrix A. So, matrix...
value of a: 10 value of a: 11 value of a: 12 value of a: 13 value of a: 14 value of a: 15 MATLAB continue语句 MATLAB中 continue 语句控制跳过循环体的某些语句。当在循环体内执行到该语句时,程序将跳过循环体中所剩下的语句,继续下一次循环。 MATLAB中的 continue 语句跟 break 语句有点像,...
% 创建一个数组 array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]; % 查找数组中跟随特定值的元素 value = 4; indices = find(array == value); % 使用逻辑索引查找数组中跟随特定值的元素 logical_indices = array == value; % 输出结果 disp(find(logical_indices)); 输出结果与之前的示例相同...
(9) If you need only the minimum value ofAand not its index, call theminfunction twice. M = min(min(A)) M = 2 (10)Create a vector and compute its minimum, excludingNaNvalues. A = [1.77-0.0053.98-2.95NaN0.34NaN0.19]; M= min(A,[],'omitnan') ...
imageQualityIndex_Value = imageQualityIndex(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage)); fprintf('Universal Image Quality Index = %5.5f \n', imageQualityIndex_Value); %% Enhancement : measure of enhance- ment, or measure of improvement
用高斯消去法把矩阵A转换为上三角阵 [m,n]=size(A); %获得A的行和列分别存入m和n中 列主元素消去法 for k=1:n-1 [v,u]=max(abs(A(k:n,k))); %选出A的第k列中绝对值最大元素存入v, 而u是记录多少的行或列,并取最大值,比如有m行,n列,且n>m,则u=n 计算矩阵A...
% ABS(X) is the absolute value of the elements of X. When % X is complex, ABS(X) is the complex modulus (magnitude) of % the elements of X. % % See also SIGN, ANGLE, UNWRAP. % Copyright 1984-2001 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 5.8 $ $Date: 2001/04/15 12:02:51 $ %...