MATLAB 中 Index exceeds matrix dimensions错误,是代码错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、启动MATLAB,新建脚本(Ctrl+N),输入以下代码。2、保存和运行上述脚本,弹出错误对话框。错误信息为:这是默认错误字符串(this is the default error string)。对话框名字为:错误对话框(error dialog)。3、接着...
Error in ==> nlintool at 187 xstr{k} = xname(k,;怎么会出现“??? Index exceeds matrix ...
I'm trying to construct a matrix H as the following pic. How can we write alpha _(-k,k) to get for example alpha _(0,0) or alpha _(-1,3) in Matlab? 답변 (1개) Hi, In this case, one of the possible easy solutions is to introduce new index series for alpha w.r.t...
在matlab中运行程序,出现Index exceeds matrix dimensions的错误,矩阵的维数错误,怎样检查矩阵运算的维数是否符合要求,应确保矩阵的size相容。以下红色标出的是运行脚本的报错部分,请有经验的朋友帮忙分析以下 % verify that AMZData file names in SET and PKL files are % sorted by time and have the same order...
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.翻译成中文就是 指数超过矩阵维度。意思就是,你矩阵加入定义的矩阵A是 3乘3的矩阵,你在程序里,写了一个 B=A(4,3);这样的话,Matlab就找不到这第四行第三列的数据,因为你定义的A就三行三列;比如如下代码,你可以试试:M= magic(4);M(6,6)输出的就...
这个情况引起的原因只有一个 那就是下标越界。检查你的循环结构吧,有时候循环变量的值经过某些运算之后代入矢量的下表中,就会引起越界。
How to sum/group values in a matrix based on... Learn more about sum, matrix array, group, index, cluster
index array to access the value in matrix IM=4.08809852121212 4.29250344727273 4.39470591030303 4.44580714181818 4.44580714181818 4.54800960484849 4.65021206787879 4.75241453090909 4.80351576242424 4.95681945696970 4.39470591030303 4.44580714181818 4.49690837333333 4.54800960484849 4.59911083636364 4.65021206787879 4.75241453090909 ...
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.Error in trim>trim_alg (line 164)gg=[x(ix)-x0(ix);y(iy)-...