% The target values you want to find the closest in x targets = [10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400]; % Preallocate the array for indices indices = zeros(size(targets)); % Loop through each target value fori = 1:length(targets) ...
index value Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Web サイトの選択 Web サイトを選択すると、翻訳されたコンテンツにアクセスし、地域のイベントやサービスを確認できます。現在の位置情報に基づき、次のサイト...
Let us see an example related to find function, find function used to find indices and values of nonzero value. So in this example, we take a 3-by-3 matrix, and this matrix takes into a variable ‘Y’. So index 1 starts with row 1 and column one, and the next index value is 2...
for index = values <program statements> ... end 1. 2. 3. 4. 简单的实例: for a = 10:20 fprintf('value of a: %d \n', a); end 1. 2. 3. 输出结果为: value of a: 10 value of a: 11 value of a: 12 value of a: 13 value of a: 14 value of a: 15 value of a: 16 ...
Functioni = find_first(array, value) % FIND_FIRST Find first index of a value in an array. % I = FIND_FIRST(ARRAY, VALUE) returns the index I into the ARRAY where the % first occurrence of VALUE is found. If VALUE is not in ARRAY, then an error is raised. ...
ind = find(strcmp(names,'Charlie')); % strcmp接受向量的输入 返回Logical数组 % find紧接着找出逻辑数组中非零元素的Index numbers{ind} 其中第3行strcmp接受元胞作为输入,在其中寻找Charlie,find函数将返回Charlie所在的位置,这样的方式比使用for循环要快,但无一例外的是,两种方法都要从头开始遍历一个数组,终...
startIndex = 1; if size(cData,2) > (cData(2,1)+1) startIndex = cData(2,1)+2; zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,1)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,2:(startIndex-1)),... cData(2,2:(startIndex-1)),zData,'k'); end zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,startIndex)); ...
Learn the basics of MATLAB Language Fundamentals Syntax, array indexing and manipulation, data types, operators Data Import and Analysis Import and export data, including large files; preprocess data, visualize and explore Mathematics Linear algebra, differentiation and integrals, Fourier transforms, and ...
% find函数 find(A) 返回A中非零元素的线性索引组成的向量 find(A,n) 返回A中前n个非零元素的线性索引组成的向量 find(A,n,'last') 返回A中倒数n个非零元素的线性索引组成的向量 [row,col] = find(A) 以行、列的形式返回非零元素索引 [row,col,val] = find(A) val为非零元素的值 集合运算:...
1、imread:read image from graphics file;2、imshow:display image in Handle Graphics figure;3、imwrite:write image to graphics file;4、rgb2gray:convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale;5、im2bw:convert image to binary image, based on threshold;6、exist:check existence of variable, ...