Indexexceeds the number of array elements (54). Errorin sym/matlabFunction>addVars (line 817) varArr = addElem(varArr,split(join(elem(start:ende),','),',')); Errorin sym/matlabFunction>handleBlocks (line 928) blocks(end).lhs = addVars(blocks(end).lhs, lhsVars, linesWritten+1,line...
A—Input array array Input array. new—New value scalar|vector New value, specified as a scalar or vector. Whennewandoldare vectors, the function replaces occurrences ofold(k)withnew(k). The size ofnewmust match the size ofold.
53、bsolute value.% abs(x) is the absolute value of the elements of x. when x is complex, abs(x) is the complex modulus (magnitude) of the elements of x.% see also sign, angle, unwrap。 copyright 19842001 the mathworks, inc. % $revision: 5.8 $date: 2001/04/15 12:02:51 $ bui...
Roots of a quadratic equation. Created by: Abhishek Jain Tags quadratic, trivial, equation 2 Solutions 27 Size Problem 2141. execute the declaration in strings and return value Created by: Koteswar Rao Jerripothula Tags strings 3 Solutions 17 Size ...
for index = values <program statements> ... end 1. 2. 3. 4. 简单的实例: for a = 10:20 fprintf('value of a: %d \n', a); end 1. 2. 3. 输出结果为: value of a: 10 value of a: 11 value of a: 12 value of a: 13 ...
displayDisplay text or array (overloaded method) tic, tocStart stopwatch timer(Read elapsed time from stopwatch) 上面所有函数都可以用“help funcName”或“doc funcName”命令查看帮助,参考Matlab R2012a帮助文档“MATLAB/Functions”。 当前文件夹(Current Folder)和搜索路径(Search Path): ...
編集済み:Mischa Kim
% Format files. To see a list of supported formats, with their file % extensions, use the IMFORMATS function. If IMREAD cannot find a file % named FILENAME, it looks for a file named FILENAME.FMT. % % The return value A is an array containing the image data. If the file ...
To look at such the contents of the mean() function (which calculates the average mean value of an array), type edit mean on the MATLAB command line. You might not be able to understand what's going on, but the way the file looks like may give you hints on how to write clean ...
function[Value,varargout]=MinSubs(Data,Dimensions,K)%数组元素沿指定维度的缩放范围functionArray=Rescale(Array,LowerBound,UpperBound,Dimensions)%在任意维度上计算互相关function[C,Lag]=XCorr(X,Y,Dimensions) 类 classdefArrayBuilder%数组累加器endclassdefArrayType%枚举MATLAB所有基本数据类型endclassdefEvent...