outnum=4;%9.权值初始化 w1=rands(midnum,innum);%随机给定隐藏层和是输入层间的初始神经元权重W1=net.iw{1,1};b1=rands(midnum,1);%中间各层神经元阈值B1=net.b{1};w2=rands(midnum,outnum);%中间层到输出层的权值W2=net.lw{2,1};b2=rands(outnum,1);%输出层各神经元阈值B2=net.b{2}%...
m=find(S==x); % m is a single value, index in S, 1 <= m <= N sc=sum(C); lc=sc-sum(C(1:m)); hc=lc+C(m); % disp(['PutS: lc=',int2str(lc),' hc=',int2str(hc),' sc=',int2str(sc),' m=',int2str(m)]); EncodeSymbol; % code the bit return function x=GetS(...
plot(x1,y1) hold on plot(x2,y2) While the hold state is on, plots will continue to go on the same axes. To return to the default plot behavior, where each plot gets its own axes, enter hold off. Plot v1 (y-axis) against sample (x-axis) with red (r) circle (o) markers a...
in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Open a file dialog to select an image [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.tiff';'*.jpg';'*.png'}, 'Select an Image'); if isequal(filename, 0) return; end % Read and preprocess the...
5、) This method uses cell arrayMyTree=;MyTree.MyNumber = 13;MyTree.MyString = Hello World;xml_write(test.xml, MyTree, MyTree, , This is a global comment); type(test.xml)10、Comments in XML top level (method #2)Pref.RootOnly = false,MyTree=;MyTree.COMMENT = This is a global...
% function named CALLBACK in UNTITLED.M with the given input arguments. % % UNTITLED('Property','Value',...) creates a new UNTITLED or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before untitled_OpeningFcn gets called. An ...
If called with a filename of "-", write the output to stdout if nargout is 0, otherwise return the output in a character string. -append Append to the destination instead of overwriting. -ascii Save a matrix in a text file without a header or any other information. The matrix must be...
% Format files. To see a list of supported formats, with their file % extensions, use the IMFORMATS function. If IMREAD cannot find a file % named FILENAME, it looks for a file named FILENAME.FMT. % % The return value A is an array containing the image data. If the file ...
To check the input, you can define validation functions for required arguments, optional arguments, and name-value pair arguments. Optionally, you can set properties to adjust the parsing behavior, such as handling case sensitivity, structure array inputs, and inputs that are not in the input ...
% The initial locations of n fireflies function [xn,yn,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,range) xrange=range(2)-range(1); yrange=range(4)-range(3); xn=rand(1,n)*xrange+range(1); yn=rand(1,n)*yrange+range(3); Lightn=zeros(size(yn)); ...