用高斯消去法把矩阵A转换为上三角阵 [m,n]=size(A); %获得A的行和列分别存入m和n中 列主元素消去法 for k=1:n-1 [v,u]=max(abs(A(k:n,k))); %选出A的第k列中绝对值最大元素存入v, 而u是记录多少的行或列,并取最大值,比如有m行,n列,且n>m,则u=n 计算矩阵A...
newpopulation(temp)=newpopulation(temp)+(maxvalue(temp)-minvalue(temp)).*((2.*miu(temp)+(1-2.*miu(temp)).*(1-(newpopulation(temp)-minvalue(temp))./(maxvalue(temp)-minvalue(temp))).^21).^(1/21)-1); %变异情况一 newpopulation(temp)=newpopulation(temp)+(maxvalue(temp)-minvalu...
Certain MATLAB functions and operators return logical 1 or logical 0 to indicate whether a certain condition was found to be true or not. For example, the statement (5 * 10) > 40 returns a logical 1 value. MATLAB char Arrays MATLAB char arrays store data as unsigned 16-bit integers. To...
returnreturnreturn to the invoking function or to the keyboard try-catchtry statements catch exception statements end assertassert(expression) assert(expression, 'msgString') assert(expression, 'msgString', value1, value2, ...) assert(expression, 'msgIdent', 'msgString', value1, value2, ......
beta = 5; % visibility sensitivity, between 0 and 15tau = tau0 * ones(MaxParValue-MinParValue+1, 1); % initial pheromone valuesp = zeros(size(tau)); % allocate array for probabilities% Begin the optimization loopfor GenIndex = 1 : OPTIONS.Maxgen% pheromone decaytau = (1 - rhog) ...
For example % % K = [0.05 0.05]; % window = ones(8); % L = 100; % [mssim, ssim_map] = ssim(img1, img2, K, window, L); % %Visualize the results: % % mssim %Gives the mssim value % imshow(max(0, ssim_map).^4) %Shows the SSIM index map %=== if (nargin < 2 ...
%根本原因就是E(m)引起的,因为(m)的存在,所以不会覆盖loop1中元素 end end end 3)continue,break,return的作用: continue,表示跳过本轮循环里后面代码,进入下一轮循环 break,表示结束该循环 return,表示直接出结果,return以后的代码均不在运行,一般很少用!!!
The generated code has four additional input arguments: the arrays y_min, y_max, idx, and distance. These arrays are used to return the output values. They correspond to the output arguments y_min, y_max, idx, and distance in the original MATLAB code. The code generator preserves your...
return: """ beta = random.choice([0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.16, 0.2]) beta_return = beta airlight = random.choice([0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1]) #print(beta) #print(airlight) A = airlight #print('Viusal value: {} km'.format(VR) ) #im1 = cv2.imread(img_name) #img =...
The maximum value of a vector and its corresponding index value can be determined using the max function. The first output from the max function is the maximum value of the input vector. When called with two outputs, the second output is the index value. ...