[MA,IA]=max(accumA);% max value of each column & row index of each column [mVal,mInd]=max(MA);% max value of matrix & column index of that value maxRow=IA(mInd); maxCol=mInd; maxRow为第一个维度的索引,maxCol为第二个维度的索引。 ##find the index of the maximum value in a ...
maxCol=mInd; maxRow为第⼀个维度的索引,maxCol为第⼆个维度的索引。##find the index of the maximum value in a 2D or 3D matrix in MATLAB## 寻找三维矩阵的最⼤值所在位置的索引:[M,I]=max(A);M=squeeze(M);I=squeeze(I);[M_,I_]=max(M);[M__,I__]=max(M_);maxR=I__;...
popu=find(frontvalue==fnum+1); %popu记录第fnum+1个面上的个体编号 distancevalue=zeros(size(popu)); %popu各个体的拥挤距离 fmax=max(functionvalue(popu,:),[],1); %popu每维上的最大值 fmin=min(functionvalue(popu,:),[],1); %popu每维上的最小值 for i=1:size(functionvalue,2) %分目...
find 查找非零元素索引 % all函数 all(A,dim) dim == 1:判断各列是否均为非零元素,若均非零则返回ture,最终结果为行向量 dim == 2:判断各行是否均为非零元素,若均非零则返回ture,最终结果为列向量 all(A(:)) 判断矩阵所有元素是否为非零值,若成立,返回true --- score = randi([50,100],100,3)...
终点的最优节点索引 % 寻找方法:寻找“到达目标点”的节点中,代价最小的节点 % 由该代价最小的节点,rrt树中的第二个参数iPrev,可再找到其父节点,由此可得到一条代价最小的路径 function [value,min_node_ind] = getFinalResult(rrt) % 找到所有“到目标点”的节点索引 rrt第四个参数 goal_ind = find(...
value of a: 11 value of a: 12 value of a: 13 value of a: 14 value of a: 15 value of a: 16 value of a: 17 value of a: 18 value of a: 19 value of a: 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 在MATLAB 中 while循环的语法是: ...
%% find n0 : at this point h(n) become negligible [pks,locs] = findpeaks(h); nv=0.01; % negligible value as a percentage of maximum value b=find(pks>=(nv*max(pks))); peak_no=min(pks(b)); n0=max(locs(b)); %% plot impulse response ...
cData(2,2:(startIndex-1)),zData,'k'); end zData = iZ.*ones(1,cData(2,startIndex)); plot3(hAxes,cData(1,(startIndex+1):end),... cData(2,(startIndex+1):end),zData,'k'); pause(.1), drawnow end set(p,'faceColor','r','EdgeColor','w'); ...
(:,1)); % Find the vector in cb with minimum distance to x % Find the vector in cb with maximum distance to x for index=2:size(cb,2) d=norm(x-cb(:,index)); if d < distance(1) distance(1)=d; idx(1)=index; end if d > distance(2) distance(2)=d; idx(2)=index; ...
(y)))==+2)+1); extrMinIndex = find(diff(sign(diff(y)))==+2)+1; up = extrMaxValue; up_x = x(extrMaxIndex); down = extrMinValue; down_x = x(extrMinIndex); % Interpolation of the upper/down envelope data %--- up = interp1(up_x,up,x,interpMethod); down = interp1(...