clim([min(lims(1),-lims(2))max(-lims(1),lims(2))]); %这就是更改.更改为了对称的形式,实际上等价于:clim([1.0e+07*(-6.1761)1.0e+07*6.1761]),所以0值对应白色,而且从知,小于1.0e+...
i have a matrix size 378x5, how do i find the index column of the maximum value of each row? Thanks 댓글 수: 1 Rik2019년 5월 30일 (I'm on mobile so I can't check) The second output of max can do this. You may need to use a loop. ...
用高斯消去法把矩阵A转换为上三角阵 [m,n]=size(A); %获得A的行和列分别存入m和n中 列主元素消去法 for k=1:n-1 [v,u]=max(abs(A(k:n,k))); %选出A的第k列中绝对值最大元素存入v, 而u是记录多少的行或列,并取最大值,比如有m行,n列,且n>m,则u=n 计算矩阵A...
#min(0.8,0.4)=0.4,min(0.7,0.9)=0.7,最后max(0.4,0.7)=0.7 #然后同理写出第二行的数 #最后A圈B并不改变维数,原来A和B的2*2的矩阵经过结合之后还是变成2*2 #AB(i,j)等于A的第i行与B的第j列取小后取大 end end %Compound of B and A for i=1:2 for j=1:2 BA(i,j)=max(min(B(i,...
y(index_of_objectives(1),M + V + 1 + i) = Inf; for j = 2 : length(index_of_objectives) - 1 next_obj = sorted_based_on_objective(j + 1,V + i); previous_obj = sorted_based_on_objective(j - 1,V + i); if (f_max - f_min == 0) ...
[OSValue, OSIndex] = max(y); OverShoot = (OSValue - stepvalue)/stepvalue*100; PeakTime = t(OSIndex); % 上升时间 index = find(y >= stepvalue, 1, 'first'); RiseTime = t(index); % 调整时间和稳态误差 index1 = find(y <= stepvalue*(1 - gTolerance), 1, 'last'); % 容许...
maxU=max(U);index1=find(U(1,:)==maxU);index2=find(U(2,:)==maxU);index3=find(U(3,:)==maxU);index4=find(U(4,:)==maxU);%Classify each data point into the cluster with the largest% membership value. step4.数据可视化 ...
matlab中index=1:10什么意思? index是一组数,是自己定义的 index=1:10代表index从1开始,一直到10的数, 如果是用作循环,则是1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 如果是用作矩阵,index=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7... matlab 中[~, index] = max()是什么意思 找到这个矩阵中每列的最大值和它在这列中的行数。返...
Sparse matrices have a different storage convention from full matrices in MATLAB. The parameterpais still an array of double-precision numbers or logical values, but this array contains only nonzero data elements. There are three additional parameters:nzmax,ir, andjc. Use themwSizeandmwIndextypes...
[~,index] = max(finalOutput,[],2); predictedTargets = {}; for j = 1:length(index) predictedTargets{j,1} = species(index(j)); end predictionAccuracy = sum(strcmp(predictedTargets,testTargets))./length(predictedTargets).*100; fprintf('Iteration = %d, Accuracy = %.2f\n',i,prediction...