Hello, I have an array of size x,y,z. Now, I would like to locate the maximum within all the values in the array. I want to know the value of x, y and z for this maximum value. Thank you very much in advance for your help! 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로...
3: Find the Index of the Maximum Value in a Matrix Using MATLAB max() Function If you want to find the maximum value from an array with an index, you can use the following syntax: [r, i]= max(a) The following code finds the index of the element with the largest value. Therwill ...
原文地址:局部极值点搜索">matlab 局部极值点搜索作者:秋楚驿Description This is a very simple function to find the local maximum in any dimensional array. As simple as
The functions min & max give you back: [value, position] you can use it to find specific value with: array2 = abs(array1 - searched value) [value, positions] = min(array2) this will work also for matrix. 0 件のコメント
You can use for loop or while loop for finding out the maximum or minimum element in the array without using any built-in functions.I
index=find(a(1,:)==m); max_array=a(1,index); 3. [求助] Matlab怎么求一个二维矩阵中某一个行向量的位置 http://www.ilovematlab.cn/thread-67557-1-1.html 比如有矩阵A=[ 1 1 1; 2 2 2; 3 3 3; 4 4 4;]行向量B=[3 3 3]则: B在A的第 3 行 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...
I keep getting the above error 'Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.' when I run the below program. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance... tstart = 0; tend = 180*24; nt = 14400000; xstart = 0; xend = 0.012; nx ...
headinghat = atan2(xhat(3), xhat(4)); Bhat = [0; 0; T*sin(headinghat); T*cos(headinghat)]; xhat = A * xhat + Bhat * u + K * (z - C * xhat); xhatarray = [xhatarray xhat]; % Find the constrained Kalman filter estimate. xtilde = xhat - D' * inv(D*D') ...
void euclidean(const double x[3], const double cb[648], double y_min[3], double y_max[3], double idx[2], double distance[2]) const double x[3] corresponds to the input x in your MATLAB code. The size of x is 3, which corresponds to the total size (3 x 1) of the examp...