During his debriefing on the Citadel, Vega is quiet, burdened with the deaths of the colonists. The Admirals commend him again and promote him for his actions, but he feels he doesn't deserve them. His shoulders are bowed, no thoughts of savoring the victory. He feels hollow and tells Mi...
Liara T'Soni•Tali'Zorah nar Rayya•Urdnot Wrex Mass Effect 2 Squad Garrus Vakarian•Grunt•Jack•Jacob Taylor•Kasumi Goto•Legion•Miranda Lawson Mordin Solus•Morinth•Samara•Tali'Zorah vas Neema•Thane Krios•Zaeed Massani...
Thresher maws appear to be inspired by the giant sandworms ofFrank Herbert'sDune. This is somewhat substantiated by the use of maw hammers in Mass Effect 3 to summon Kalros. Similar devices called "thumpers" were used to attract sandworms in theDunenovels. Additionally, Javik's remark abou...
Garrus has learned the location of Sidonis, the mole who betrayed his team. He was last seen on the Citadel in the company of Fade, a forger who specializes in helping people disappear. You automatically acquire this mission after completing a few missio
Figure 1:12 month moving average of mass shooting casualties; deaths inflicted by non-Muslims (dark red), wounded inflicted by non-Muslims (pink), deaths inflicted by Muslims (dark blue), wounded inflicted by Muslims (light blue). December observation for data through Dec. 2. Source...
And I have no clue how they're going to do that, a whole Mass Effect title without Shepard? We thought they might do that for ME2, given the "Shepard is dead" advertising, but then they didn't. They can't just do another Lazarus-Project on us. Last edited by mmoca812163483; ...
Did not romance anyone. Pretty sure I shut Ashley down before letting her die, but it's hard to be 100% certain; I did note she had a throwaway line to the effect of "Just my commanding officer, huh? We'll see about that." shortly before Virmire. ...
Mass Effect 3 to review and Defenders of Ardania hot on the heels of that. Too many games, not enough hours in the day – such is the life of a game reviewer. So in my mind not only is Mass Effect 2 two years in my past, but it’s like 80 games ago. I have no more ...
(in contrast to familicides and mass public shootings, which are more commonly motivated by relationship problems, group grievances, or ideological extremist beliefs); result in significantly fewer deaths; and are significantly less likely to conclude with the death of the perpetrator (Fridel, 2017...
There is no law for the politicians. Tarrant will be jailed for life for the murder of 50 Muslims. Politicians responsible for the deaths of millions of Muslims never seen the inside of a jail. We have a system of international law but only in theory. In practice, when the massive ...