Liara T'Soni•Tali'Zorah nar Rayya•Urdnot Wrex Mass Effect 2 Squad Garrus Vakarian•Grunt•Jack•Jacob Taylor•Kasumi Goto•Legion•Miranda Lawson Mordin Solus•Morinth•Samara•Tali'Zorah vas Neema•Thane Krios•Zaeed Massani...
Current See Also Unique dialogue Shadow Broker dossier Video Archive Development Mass Effect 2 Art Book/Texts#01: Heroes and Villains The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy/Mass Effect 2#Miranda Lawson References ↑Chris L'Etoile's LinkedIn profile: Mass Effect 2 section: "wrote first draft dialogue...
An echoplex effect box is used on Chuck Norris’ voice to great effect. Chuck Norris never has much to say, and has trouble when he does, so an echo effect adds weight & importance to his dull words.This will teach you the value of good production… production,,, production.The real ...