This is the timeline of the Mass Effect universe. All dates are in BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). Note: Numerous events are backdated during conversation, via Codex entries, or some other means from the time the stories are set: 2183 to 218
Mass Effect 2Mass Effect 3“I always work at optimal capacity.”The Enhanced Defense Intelligence, or EDI (pronounced 'Ee-Dee' [ˈiːdiː]), is an AI created by Cerberus and installed aboard the Normandy SR-2. She is represented visually by a holographic blue sphere and aurally ...
So my secret Mass Effect project is finally ready. Now you all know why my long delayed rewrite of Mass Effect Indoctrination fell to the wayside. For the last year I have been working on a Mass Effect fangame. A point and click "demake", The Adventures of Commander Shepard is a satire...
Continuing on with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, Mass Effect 2’s choices represent some of the most impactful of the series. Your decisions throughout the game for each squad-mate’s loyalty mission, along with upgrades acquired and whatnot, will determine the survival of the crew when the...
Everyone is under a lot of pressure—saving organic life, and all—so nearly every mission carries the same urgency as the climax of Mass Effect 2. This comes at the expense of gathering an entirely new team and getting to know them (a BioWare staple) but if viewed as a direct ...
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About this mod Best theme from mass effect, now when you descend Share Permissions and credits LucidityAtLast recently added in the suicide mission extraction music. Inspired me to learn to mod in audio for descent.Link to Lucidity's mod.
User Summary A genetically engineered Krogan super soldier, Grunt was created by Okeer to be immune to the Genophage that plagues the rest of the race. Acquired in a stasis tank in Mass Effect 2, it is up to Shepard whether to revive him - if so, he wil
Nexus Map for Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. Atlas with Maps, Game Guide and Walkthrough. Map contains Quest starters, interesting locations, Codex Entries.
Mass Effect 3: From Ashes Once Javik has been integrated into the team, Vega reflects on his mental state, saying that it can mess with anybody's mind after being brought forward 50,000 years and being the last of one's kind. Vega hopes that despite all that, Javik will help with ...