Mass Effect 2 offers numerous high-end stakes that can heavily affect the outcome of the finale. Here are all the possible decisions that can be made.
Mass Effect 2EDI is a Quantum Blue Box type AI that functions as the electronic warfare defense for the Normandy SR-2. Because of the potential danger of a rogue AI, she has been given behavioral blocks and cannot interface with the ship's systems. She also serves as the Illusive Man's...
The guide for Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all the main campaign Missions, Assignments, as well as a detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!
[2] Mass Effect 3 For his gameplay attributes, see Squad Members Guide (Mass Effect 3)#James Vega. James Vega is tasked to escort Shepard to an Alliance defense committee hearing, but the hearing is interrupted when the Reapers attack Earth. Vega and Ashley Williams/Kaidan Alenko (depending...
Everyone is under a lot of pressure—saving organic life, and all—so nearly every mission carries the same urgency as the climax of Mass Effect 2. This comes at the expense of gathering an entirely new team and getting to know them (a BioWare staple) but if viewed as a direct ...
According to Mass Effect Legendary Edition gameplay statistics as of July 27, 2021, 80% of players achieved peace between the warring races. 11% sided with the geth while 9% sided with the quarians.[2]
Dec 2, 2024 Mass Effect Andromeda is a decent game. 50% of the game consists of repetitive filler that often feels like a waste of time. Yet, there’s still gold to be found here that makes the game worth playing, especially if you’re a Mass Effect fan. The story is pretty decent...
Mass Effect: Andromeda: Mac Walters, Sam McGlynn द्वारा निर्देशित. Fryda Wolff, Tom Taylorson, Jules de Jongh, Nyasha Hatendi के साथ. The Andromeda Initiative sets a course for a new galaxy, hop
Thresher maws appear to be inspired by the giant sandworms ofFrank Herbert'sDune. This is somewhat substantiated by the use of maw hammers in Mass Effect 3 to summon Kalros. Similar devices called "thumpers" were used to attract sandworms in theDunenovels. Additionally, Javik's remark abou...
Mass Effect Squad Ashley Williams•Garrus Vakarian•Kaidan Alenko Liara T'Soni•Tali'Zorah nar Rayya•Urdnot Wrex Mass Effect 2 Squad Garrus Vakarian•Grunt•Jack•Jacob Taylor•Kasumi Goto•Legion•Miranda Lawson Mordin Solus•Morinth•Samara•Tali'Zorah vas Neema•Thane Krios...