Mass Effect Andromeda war assets Mass Effect Andromeda characters Mass Effect Andromeda voice actors Mass Effect Andromeda outfits Mass Effect 4 galactic readiness Mass Effect Andromeda classes Tips Mass Effect Andromeda cheats Mass Effect Andromeda side missions Mass Effect 4 final mission ...
This is the timeline of the Mass Effect universe. All dates are in BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). Note: Numerous events are backdated during conversation, via Codex entries, or some other means from the time the stories are set: 2183 to 218
It’s not a great final impression, but more than any disappointment, I remember the faces I punched and kissed along the way. Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 2 represents a significant shift for the series and BioWare’s design sensibilities as whole, placing its greatest efforts into developing...
So my secret Mass Effect project is finally ready. Now you all know why my long delayed rewrite of Mass Effect Indoctrination fell to the wayside. For the last year I have been working on a Mass Effect fangame. A point and click "demake", The Adventures of Commander Shepard is a satire...
Morinth –If you went with Morinth over Samara and she survives, then you’ll find emails from her in Mass Effect 3 during the mission “Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Mission.” Eventually, you’ll discover she’s transformed into a Banshee and must be killed in the final mission. If Morinth ...
Mass Effect 2: Side MissionsWhile Commander Shepard assembles the team for the suicide mission against the Collectors, Cerberus also has some involvement in tangentially-related matters. At the request of Jack, Shepard may travel to the abandoned Teltin Facility on Pragia, which Cerberus had ...
originalMass Effect,theevents of the final missionstand pretty independent from the choices you make in the previous chapters of the adventure. Sure, you can convince Saren to kill himself the first time if you level up Paragon/ Renegade enough. But inMass Effect 2you have the opportunity to...
↑ Chris L'Etoile's LinkedIn profile: Mass Effect 1: "Story planning and dialogue: planet Noveria" ↑ Plot Database: all plot elements related to Noveria: Smuggling start with "LE1.CH2_Noveria.Leaving_Hanshan_Port.Special_Delivery."Categories...
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On several missions in Mass Effect 3, if EDI's platform is chosen to accompany Shepard, EDI will still often be heard over the intercom as if speaking from the Normandy despite being physically present as well. If EDI is brought along during the final charge to the Citadel beam, and Shepa...