Age-old fans of the series will have a unique take on the list, arguing tooth and nail to put their favourite forward, but to save you the struggle of deciding yourself we've ranked every Mass Effect game from worst to best in our own suicide mission. As much as we are concrete in...
This is the timeline of the Mass Effect universe. All dates are in BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). Note: Numerous events are backdated during conversation, via Codex entries, or some other means from the time the stories are set: 2183 to 218
Mass Effect 2EDI is a Quantum Blue Box type AI that functions as the electronic warfare defense for the Normandy SR-2. Because of the potential danger of a rogue AI, she has been given behavioral blocks and cannot interface with the ship's systems. She also serves as the Illusive Man's...
Acquired in a stasis tank in Mass Effect 2, it is up to Shepard whether to revive him - if so, he will join the party. Grunt can potentially be encountered as a character in Mass Effect 3.Character Versions [Add Version] Pg. 1 Grunt Grunt (Mass Effect) Categories Party Member ...
Mass Effect 3: From Ashes Once Javik has been integrated into the team, Vega reflects on his mental state, saying that it can mess with anybody's mind after being brought forward 50,000 years and being the last of one's kind. Vega hopes that despite all that, Javik will help with ...
Nexus Map for Mass Effect Andromeda Video Game. Atlas with Maps, Game Guide and Walkthrough. Map contains Quest starters, interesting locations, Codex Entries.
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Dietz. Maybe BioWare won't complete his loyalty mission. 分享: 2012 年 1 月 31 日 Fans pick apart canonical errors in Mass Effect: Deception book Mass Effect (2007) The just-released Mass Effect: Deception book has gone down like a lead balloon with Mass Effect fans. The novel is ...
Bugs 1 Logs Stats About this mod Best theme from mass effect, now when you descend Share Permissions and credits LucidityAtLast recently added in the suicide mission extraction music. Inspired me to learn to mod in audio for descent.Link to Lucidity's mod.
↑BioWare: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development/The Making of Mass Effect#Real Tales of Development: Naming a Sprawling Space Opera ↑Plot Database: LE1.CH1_Star_Citadel.Find_the_Quarian.knows_about_doctor.Oc_Sec_Contact ...