To generate a single-cell atlas from differentiating endosperm, we harvested maize endosperm tissues at 6 and 7 DAP and digested them into protoplasts. We constructed four scRNA-seq libraries (one sample from 6 DAP and three replicates from 7 DAP) using the 10x Genomics Chromium platform, which...
25, while Arabidopsis root scRNA-seq data originated from studies conducted by Shahan R et al. 54 and Jean-Baptiste K et al. 33 Homology relationships between maize and rice or Arabidopsis were evaluated using orthofinder81. The one-to-one orthologous gene pairs were employed for interspecies ...
scRNA-seqdevelopmental networksGWAStrait genesCrop productivity depends on activity of meristems that produce optimized plant architectures, including that of the maize ear. A comprehensive understanding ofdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3696748Xu, XiaosaCrow, Megan...
The scRNA-seq and Stereo-seq data from this study can be found in CNGBdb ( and under project accession code CNP0004249 ( Additional data, including the processed H5ad data, the original gene expression matrix and express...
Table S1. scRNA-seq and protoplasting-responsive genes datasets, related to Figures 1 and S1–S3 Table S2. scRNA-seq validation by FACS RNA & ATAC-seq, related to Figures 2 and S3 Table S3. scRNA-seq applications, related to Figures 3, 4, and S4 Table S4. Primers, sgRNAs sequences...